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Best Gmail Chrome Extensions That will Help Boost Productivity

Best Gmail Chrome Extensions That will Help Boost Productivity

Well, we all have mutual sentiments for Gmail as it works pretty well and is easy to understand. But, using certain Google chrome extension you can ma...

12 Best Tune-up Utilities To Speed Up Performance For Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 PC

A slow  computer makes it impossible to perform tasks and makes us look for a solution. In this blog, we have listed some of the best tuneup utilitie...


The Best Horoscope Apps For Android

Do you believe in Astrology or horoscope? No! Well, term astrology exists from centuries. And the person who tells the future and reads astrology is ...


Best Barbie Games You Will Love Playing on Android & iPhone

Who doesn’t like barbie? Barbie is famous all around the world and it comes in different sizes and shapes. And with time Barbie is getting advanc...

Fix AirDrop Not Working On Mac

How To Fix AirDrop Not Working On Mac

Among many dissimilarities between Mac and Windows PC, the way you transfer files is the most prominent one. In Mac, only after 2008 when Apple introd...

Access denied files and folders on Windows

File Access Denied In Windows 10 – What To Do

Let’s take a scenario, where you have an important presentation with a deadline of 1 day/ 24 hours.  This document is kept in a folder. But, the mo...

Instagram Not Working Problem

How To Fix Instagram Not Working

Instagram’s popularity is not hidden from any of us. The application that was once considered as an app to connect teenagers has now more than a bil...


Can we Install Safari Browser on Windows 10?

One cannot define ‘Adventure’ by simply packing bags and traveling to different places across the globe. Adventure today is a much broader term an...

How To Fix Google Calendar App Not Working Error On Android

How To Fix Google Calendar App Not Working Error On Android

Gmail is undoubtedly the most used email service and so are its other apps. Google Calendar is the best calendar app that is widely used by users. ...

Social media marketing

Beginners Guide to SMM: Social Media Marketing Decoded

When you connect & communicate with people on digital platforms in social context, believe me, you are on social media channels. Social media has ...

Windows 10 Airplane Mode - An Overview

Windows 10 Airplane Mode – An Overview

Every Windows 10 feature comes with a purpose and in that regard, Windows 10 Airplane Mode is no different. In the write-up that follows we shall try ...

HBO Max Another Breakthrough in the World of Entertainment

HBO Max: Another Breakthrough in the World of Entertainment

HBO Max is the latest ad-free video streaming service introduced by Warner Media and AT&T. It will  feature a lot more content as compared to oth...