Are you concerned with the fact that everything you do online is being watched by government agencies, hackers and big data houses? Most of us use ...
Identity theft is rampant. If something’s more precious than money, it has to be your identity. It’s how people know you and perceive you. Actuall...
All the Microsoft Windows Operating Systems are shipped with BitLocker data encryption and SSDs come with their own hardware encryption. This practice...
There are a bazillion accounts to log in - Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Outlook, Linkedin, so on and so forth and you have to have separate pa...
A computer has truly become Man’s Best Friend. And there is the only thing that can come between you and your best friend and that is an infected fi...
There are photos and videos which we want to keep in our gallery as we relished that moment and would want to relive the moment by looking at those me...
The first step towards securing your online footprints, browsing traces, and accessing geo-blocked sites is to set up and use a VPN. For this nothin...
Most Android users think they don’t need a malware removal app as they download apps from Play Store and Google Play Protect scans all the apps. Of ...
Be it email accounts, social media or shopping websites, you need login ids and passwords for all of them. The online world is full of our personal de...
There is a dire need to reduce phone usage. Immaterial of what device and its operating system (Android or iOS), there are several things in a smartph...
Internet-connected devices like smartphones, tablets, TV, home appliances and others open new ways for hackers to attack and steal user data. All this...
The internet is surely becoming more and more engaging and informative by each passing day. Sadly, it has also become base for several hazards as scam...