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Ways Your Smartphone Can Make You Healthy

Smartphones are often talked about in bad light despite being such an important part of our lives. From making calls to sending texts to using it as a...

GPU Hardware Scheduling

Windows 10 GPU Hardware Scheduling: Is It Worth Turning On?

Are you a gamer and want to improve the performance of your computer suddenly and surprisingly way? Well, you can do so by enabling Windows 10 feature...

Advanced System Protector

Advanced System Protector – Your Ultimate Guardian Against Malicious Software

Day in and day out, we store tons of data on our computer. There are documents, images, audio files, applications, and several different kinds of file...

Fix Microsoft Edge

How to Fix Microsoft Edge When It Doesn’t Open PDFs

PDF files are part of regular work and if you face trouble in opening these PDF files in Micorosft Edge, then it is very frustrating. When Microsoft E...

Image Quality

Crucial Factors That Affect Image Quality

When you are putting an image out on the internet or even if you are showing your masterpiece to the world, no matter what the medium or form is, that...

macOS Could Not Be Installed

How To Fix the macOS Could Not Be Installed on Your Computer Error

Whenever a new OS is rolled out, we are usually excited to install and download it and check out the new changes and features added to it. However, yo...

safeguard data

7 Ways to Add Double-Layer Security in iPhone to Safeguard Data

iPhone has the best security features  when compared with other OS in the world but despite the high level of security provided in the iPhone, there ...

Best Ways To Turn On Bluetooth In Windows 11

How To Connect and Manage Bluetooth Connection In Windows 11

Upgraded to Windows 11 from Windows 10 and are noticing changes here and there? Well yes! It’s a slightly new feel and it may take a little while fo...

unexpected shutdown

4 Ways to Prevent Windows 10 Unexpected Shutdown

Have you wondered why your PC gets turned off unexpectedly without any prior message? Well, this is a common error that every user encounters. Windows...

3-Ways-to-Recover-Data-From-a-Mac-That-Won't-Boot (1)

3 Ways to Recover Data From a Mac That Won’t Boot

We save important files and documents on Mac with the intention that whenever we want to access them, we can retrieve them. However, a disastrous situ...

How to take a screenshot

How To Take a Screenshot on Windows 11

Windows 11 is new to users and many users might not know how to take screenshots in Windows 11. Well, there are various ways to take screenshots in Wi...

crop video without watermark

Top 5 Tools to Crop Video Without Watermark

Imagine a video that you have created and edited and in the final stage, you get the watermark of the software by which you created it. Many video ed...