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Windows 10 Stuck On Restart? We have the Solution

Did your Windows 10 computer get stuck while restarting? We understand this is a bothersome situation which can also affect our productivity. For inst...

media player server execution failed

Windows Media Player Server Execution Failed? Here Are The Methods To Fix It!

While trying to play music through Windows Media Player, you may find a pop-up which says, “Server Execution Failed”. While this doesn’t sound r...


Fix Google Chrome Black Screen Issue on Windows 10

Google Chrome is one of the most preferred browsers, especially when it comes to Windows users. However, there may be times when users are bound to sw...

instagram dm in web

How To Check Direct Messages On Instagram

Instagram direct message service is currently available on the Instagram mobile application. You can easily send and receive messages from the mobile ...

whatsapp not working on Android

How to Get Rid of “WhatsApp Not Working” Issue on Android Phone

One of the best social media communication apps, WhatsApp has become an integral part of our daily lives. Now imagine a day where you aren’t able to...

best ways to learn javascript

Easy And Best Ways To Learn JavaScript

There are various reasons for the popularity of JavaScript, but it could be hard to pinpoint a single one. JavaScript is not just a popular coding lan...

two whatsapp in one phone

Dual WhatsApp: How to Use Two WhatsApp in One Phone

Undoubtedly, WhatsApp has emerged as one of the most popular messaging apps in the world with more than 1.5 billion active users on a monthly basis. D...

no internet secured windows 10

Get Rid of ‘No Internet Secured Windows 10’ Error?

‘No internet, secured’ is the most frequent problem faced by Windows 10 users. The wireless network issues like this are quick to fix but sometime...

Delete Telegram Account Permenantly

How To Delete Telegram Account Permanently

Concerned about your privacy and want to delete Telegram accounts permanently? Owing to the increase in data breaches, social media addicts have start...


How to Compress Files in Mac, Windows and Linux PCs?

How to compress files in Mac, Windows and Linux PCs is one of the most frequent questions that users ask. What does compressed file mean and what is i...

Best Music Player For iPhone

The Best Music Player Apps For iPhone in 2025

“Where words leave off, music begins.”- Heinrich Heine Can you imagine what your life would be like without music? I can’t and just the thoug...

canva online photo editor

Why Pay When You Can Use Canva Online Photo Editor for FREE

Since childhood, I was in need of an online photo editor that could help me with all my projects and assignments but I couldn’t find anything that c...