How to Start Spotting and Avoiding Fake Malware Warnings

How to Start Spotting and Avoiding Fake Malware Warnings

We all have our percentage of virus & malware attacks while surfing the internet on our cellphones & computer devices. Sometimes, you are stuck in a dilemma if those virus & malware warnings on your device are fake or not. This is where you try your best to check if those warnings are legitimate & aren’t fake at all.

Fake Malware
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Actually, there are many fake warnings you may encounter these days & they are extremely dangerous for your system. Called Scareware, these fake-malware-warnings are designed in a way that you wouldn’t know they have entered your device in malware disguise. So on a priority basis, you must know whatever virus warning you have received is fake or not.

How to Identify & Spot Fake Virus & Malware Warnings

Though you cannot put a number on how many types of fake virus & malware you can encounter while surfing the internet, you must know the common ones. Since these are fake, one thing is for sure that they will be well dressed & will look like an original & genuine one. So if you wish you identify & spot the fake malware warnings, let’s get to know the common ones:

1. Pop-Ups While Browsing Claiming as Virus Scanners

We all know about the advertisements captured on web pages that are quite easy to notice, however, there are some that are non-avoidable as well. You will find warnings that look exactly like the actual warnings, but they aren’t. It simply means that even if you tap on the X button to close the ad, it will be counted as you have clicked on the advertisement.

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There can be a number of situations that lets you reach to the conclusion that the pop-up you just saw is one of those fake malware warnings. Such as advertisements or warnings that ask you to take the “action immediately”. And this action you need to take would keep your system protected & no loss of your precious data (as per those warnings claim). So your ultimate clue to know if the warning isn’t genuine is the urgency-action it wishes for you to take. That is why you need to be extra careful while looking for fake malware attacks on your system.

2. Web Advertisements Claiming to be Virus Scanners

All of us have experienced the website advertisements that fill up the page unnecessarily & we either click on it to explore or close it by tapping on X. But one thing is for sure that all of them are extremely catchy that you wish to tap on them. Since everyone wants his/her product to be known to users, companies trick you to visit their websites by showing fake alerts.

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All of these advertisements you get on your webpage that are dressed as virus scanners are called Malvertisements. This type of false malware warnings display fake information that will make you click on those ads. For example, info related to your data fluctuations, IP address details, or your current location & that’s where they find your weak spot.

Please know that you are surfing the internet which means the info they are showing isn’t something special. So with these catchy web advertisements, you need to be extremely careful because they can be one of those fake malware warnings.

3. Notifications on System Tray Dressed as OS Warnings

I don’t think anyone can say that they haven’t seen the tray notifications while using the internet on the system. And since these Scareware are so specific with their content, you will have no time to think but act. For example, stating that your system has been infected with deadly virus & malicious contents and we all know it’s pretty enough to click on that notification.

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Image source: wincomm

Though Microsoft tries it’s best to keep these tray notifications away from your system, however, some or the other way, they find loopholes. Even though you are working on full screen like video or browsers, you still can’t stop the tray notifications. And the clues you look for to identify the fake malware warnings are the urgency it needs to take action. This is how you identify if those warnings you are getting are fake or not & is yes, how to avoid them.

How to Avoid The Fake Malware Warnings

Since you have got enough info about how to identify the fake malicious warnings, now is the time to know how to avoid them. Getting these errors are incidents that happen with users all the time & you try your best to avoid them. Either by avoiding tapping them or simply using third party tools that can help you take proper action on time.

For example, if you surf the internet continuously, your system will get fake malware warnings & notifications. This is not something you can control by just tapping on the X button & that’s why your system needs real-time monitoring & protection.

Systweak Antivirus is one of those thick walls you use to give your system complete protection against malicious contents. In order to keep your system protected, you need advanced security features & that’s what Systweak Antivirus offers.

Click Here To Download Systweak Antivirus

fake malware threat

Apart from providing you exploit & malware protection to cleaning those unwanted startup items from your PC, Systweak Antivirus is an award winning internet security tool. Having so in your system makes sure that no malicious content or notifications can play with your device. As well as, the real-time protection feature takes care of your system in the prompt manner.

Wrapping Up

You will always find virus & malicious content and the same warnings attacking your system while surfing the web. There are so many of them that it seems impossible to recognize if those warnings are genuine or not. And amid that confusion, the user clicks on the ads he/she shouldn’t have & the attacking contents find their loopholes. So you need to be extra careful with the fake warnings that are dressed as genuine one because they can give you nightmares.

Explore all three types of scareware to identify the fake malware warnings & keep your system secure.

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