Bitdefender Mobile Security Full Review (Best of 2024)

Bitdefender Mobile Security Full Review (Best of 2024)

Bitdefender Total Security (Antivirus for PC) has made a big name for itself. It has made it to the list of top Antiviruses available for PCs. Bitdefender has been in the business of cybersecurity and anti-Virus for almost 2 decades now. Bitdefender has surely been successful in utilizing that experience and making the best Antivirus solutions.


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Bitdefender Mobile Security hasn’t been any short of the best Android Antivirus in the market. When you compare it with many of its rivals such as Norton mobile security and Kaspersky security, the features and functionalities that Bitdefender offers is unrivaled. But is it the best Android Antivirus? Moving forward in the article, we are going to discuss the facts regarding the same.


Best in Industry Malware Protection

Comes equipped with VPN

Built-in Anti-theft features

Wi-Fi Advisor

Affordable Premium version

Very low system Impact


No call-blocking feature

Unlimited VPN is a bit expensive

No Privacy Advisor

Bitdefender Mobile Security Features:

Malware Protection: Bitdefender Mobile Security is proven to have the best in industry malware protection. According to many tests conducted by independent labs, it has been successful in identifying and limiting 100% malware attacks posed to the device.

One such German independent lab, AV-Test, conducted an evaluation in July 2020. Out of 3,345 malware samples tested against Bitdefender Mobile Security, it was able to identify and eliminate all 3,345 threats. It gave it a score of 100% of malware protection (Industry average was 96.9%).

Bitdefender Mobile Security

Malware protection of Bitdefender Mobile Security is updated frequently. Therefore, it was also able to detect all the latest Android Malware that came into the sight. So, we can factually say that when it comes to malware protection, Bitdefender Mobile Security is the best Android antivirus available in the market.

Android antivirus

VPN: Not many Android users realize that VPNs are very crucial to their online security and protection. Bitdefender realizes the threat and has equipped the application with Bitdefender VPN. Although Bitdefender Mobile security offers only 200MB data usage per day, users can upgrade to the premium unlimited version anytime.

However, one drawback is that the unlimited usage version of Bitdefender VPN is a bit expensive.


Anti-Theft: Bitdefender Mobile Security comes equipped with a robust Anti-theft protection. The Anti-theft tools include the functionalities like locating the device, wiping the data remotely, triggering the alarm, etc.

Anti-theft features are common with the Antiviruses in 2022. However, the Anti-theft features of Kaspersky and Norton didn’t feel as reliable to me as Bitdefender. McAfee is the only antivirus to have robust anti-theft features like Bitdefender.

Also Read: Why You Should Choose An Antivirus For Android

Web Protection: Web protection feature helps protect the customer from various phishing scams and malicious websites. Bitdefender Antivirus notifies the user about any potential scam and malicious website to safeguard the user data and privacy.

Web protection is available with nearly all the admirable antiviruses available for Android.

Web protection

Other Features: Bitdefender comes loaded with a bunch of other features as well such as Public Wi-Fi credibility advisor, Application Control, App Lock, Smart Watch support, etc.

Feature Comparison:

  Bitdefender McAfee Kaspersky
VPN Yes Yes No
Public Wi-Fi Credibility Advisor Yes Yes No
Anti-Theft Yes Yes Yes
Application Control Yes Yes Yes
Call-Blocker No No Yes
Backup Feature No Yes No
Privacy Advisor No Yes No

System Impact of Bitdefender Mobile Security:

The impact of security applications on the system performance is a topic to discuss. Not all devices contain top notch CPUs to handle any application you throw at them. In addition to that, most antiviruses offer real-time protection and hence, keep running in the background. All of this can have a major impact on the device’s performance and battery.

Bitdefender is tweaked to provide admirable security and features while still impacting the system the least. Effect of Bitdefender on my battery and system performance has been really minimal in my past 7 days of usage. Although, the Anti-theft feature requires you to keep the location service on at all times and can have a noticeable impact. However, even the location service doesn’t drain as much battery.

The result of tests conducted by AV-Test Lab show the same results.

device performance and battery

Apart from Bitdefender, McAfee and Norton have proven to have the least impact on system performance.


No Privacy Advisor: To be fair, no admirable Antivirus apart from McAfee offers this feature. Privacy Advisor aims at determining the potentially harmful behavior of an app and identifying the excess permissions being required by the application.

To explain, the Privacy Advisor tool monitors all the workings of different applications on the device and gathers information like their battery usage, data being sent by the applications over the internet, and device permissions being utilized. On the basis of information gathered, it suggests the applications that have the most impact on a device’s battery and privacy of the user data.

This feature can be useful and there is no reason why any of the Antivirus haven’t adopted it. But for now, it is only available with McAfee.

No Call Blocker:

Although, Call-blocking can be a useful feature, it is no big deal to not have it bundled with your antivirus. There are a plethora of call-blocking applications available in the market. Nearly all of them are good at doing this. Hence, I don’t mind not having it with my Antivirus.

Final Verdict:

Bitdefender is a great application and does what it is intended for really well. It offers marvelous malware protection and awesome other tools such as Anti-Theft, smart watch support and Bitdefender VPN. It contains all that we expect from an Antivirus.

There is only one application that offers more features when compared to Bitdefender, McAfee Antivirus. McAfee comes feature packed and is an idol solution for any person who wants no compromise in features and security.

However, McAfee offers all such features at a very high cost. There are multiple versions available for McAfee.  And if you want to use the one with all the features such as VPN, you will have to go for the most upgraded version which costs significantly more than the Bitdefender. On the other hand, Bitdefender lacks one or two not very important features and is available for way less price.

In my opinion, Bitdefender is the best Android Antivirus at the price point and is an idol choice for any normal user. However, your choice may vary. We hope we were able to provide you the information you were looking for. Do let us know about your favorite Antivirus application, we love hearing from you.

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