5G – The New Approach to Make Our Phone Faster

Boost For Datacenter Resources Controller Entities

5G – The New Approach to Make Our Phone Faster

Be it CES 2020 (Consumer Electronics Show) or MWC 2020 (Mobile World Congress), all they are talking about is 5G technology. From the world’s largest tech innovation platform to the largest mobile technology exhibition, all you see prominently is, companies talking about what the future looks like with 5G support.

5G support.

The soon-to-be-held MWC Barcelona 2020 has already become the talk of the town due to the hype of almost every company talking about 5G (directly or indirectly). Some of them are talking about the 5G supporting devices and others are discussing how the world will look like with 5G support technology. Things we will be able to do that we couldn’t before, with the help of 5G.

Huawei is banging at MWC 2020 with the theme – 5G, Bring New Valueso let’s get ready to see some exciting tech news.

MWC 2020


Since Mobile World Congress 2020 (MWC) is a mobile-phone tech exhibition, the major discussions will roll around the future of 5G. The mobile manufacturers and service providers will discuss the process of connecting almost all the devices in the world to the 5G network.

There is no doubt that a faster speed network with an attractive device makes a perfect combination for tech geeks. And this is what the major players (mobile manufacturers and service providers) are working on. Because considering the habits, patterns, and expectations of users, 5G is definitely going to be huge. All the tech giants including LG, Huawei, Vivo, Sony, Samsung are all geared up to introduce one or the other 5G related products or services at MWC Barcelona 2020.

From Accenture to Oppo & Samsung, each and every company had their specific agenda to discuss the era of 5G at MWC Barcelona 2020.

Also Read: 5G Technology is Around The Corner

Eventual Boost to Already Well-Established Entities

Now, if the network will become that much stronger and faster as they claim, the hardware also needs to be compatible. Or else, what‘s the use of having a faster speed network on a dumb device that takes hell lot of time just to open an app due to network incompatibility.

If the network is quite good on a device that takes no time to load an application, 5G will be unstoppable.

The reduction in data latency is going to be the key benefit with a 5G network that will save a lot of time in reloading the webpage to provide the outcome. Probably this latency reduction will give the entities that control vast datacenter resources like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon a boost.

As per Qualcomm “5G has significantly lower latency to deliver more instantaneous, real-time access: a 10x decrease in end-to-end latency down to 1ms1”.

5G has significantly

With almost zero latency, these giants will probably work on more accuracy for the services they provide with the help of their vast computing resources. Now, since they would be using their own server for the data, it will give them more access to whatever actions we will perform on our devices. It’s a bit creepy and insecure just by reading since there are so many continuous security breach incidents.

So will this unlimited access to our every action on mobile devices give away our privacy to these companies? Or will there be an antidote to prevent ourselves from becoming a victim of privacy and security breach in the future?

Every mobile manufacturer entity is trying to provide a mid-range, full fast tech 5G compatible device to its users so that their expectations are being met. The customers’ excitement with reference to the 5G devices is quite evident even if the service is still in the building phase in their region. Check out the list to view the smartphones powered by 5G here.

You can also visit the Qualcomm Snapdragon Tech Summit 2019 in Maui, Hawaii to get a better understanding of products and services unveiled by Qualcomm.

Data Latency Reduction

Imagine a world where you don’t need to wait for a web page to load; I mean the moment you typed something, you have got the results in a moment (not every part of the world has this type of service network now).

While watching high-resolution movies or shows, we either transfer it to the laptop or pad because the mobile doesn’t support that much resolution and it plays the movie as if they are images. And that’s really frustrating as well as annoying.

With the help of data latency reduction due to 5G technology combining with better mobile hardware compatibility, we won’t need to worry about the video resolution.

Also Read: Is 5G Really Worth Reconsidering This CES 2020?

MWC 2020 for Mobile Devices

MWC 2020 ( Mobile World Congress ) Barcelona will have a number of mobile devices from different providers including Sony, Samsung, Vivo, HTC, Mi and others. All of them are trying to add more value to what the users are already getting in the almost same price range.

Some of the factors that will get attention include foldable phones, bigger screens, 5G compatibility, better graphics, hardware, and etc. Some of the manufacturers have claimed to release the foldable phones this year only but let’s wait till the time you actually see it happening.

With the help of bigger screen foldable phones and data reduction latency, it will be amazing to play high-resolution games on a bigger screen than a normal screen mobile device.

What Do You Think

Well, it’s always important to know what the actual user thinks of what the companies are planning to offer. It shouldn’t be like; the company is coming up with something or the other and users aren’t showing any interest in the same.

So, let us know your thoughts on 5G technology, additional mobile devices feature, and foldable phones. What do you think about the 5G era connecting all the mobile devices around the world?

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