Practical Benefits of Browsing In Private Mode

Practical Benefits of Browsing In Private Mode

Almost all major browsers offer private browsing mode or something that’s quite popularly known as incognito mode. It has been around for quite some time now. The private browsing or incognito mode is often used to hide browsing history. But, with several alternatives hiding stuff beyond the perils of incognito mode, many of us wonder, does private browsing work? Are there any significant benefits of incognito mode? Let’s start by saying that incognito mode can be your first line of defense.

And, why are we saying that? Consider an example of a VPN. First of all, we aren’t against a VPN and admire it to the core. But, what if you are using your friend’s or colleague’s laptop or computer and want to access websites without his or her knowledge. Maybe you are searching for a special gift for your pal, whose history you don’t want your friend to see. Would you sign up for a VPN for this task? Even if you do, wouldn’t your friend be able to see that you have downloaded an application?

That’s where you can benefit from browsing in Private mode.

Also Read: Measuring The Scope Of Private Browsing in Android

Benefits of Incognito Mode

We have already talked in length about how you can always start a web browser in private browsing mode and we have also measured the scope of using private browsing in Android as well. Here let’s talk about some practical uses of incognito mode.

– Keep Browsing History Private

When you are browsing the web under normal circumstances i.e. without incognito mode, your computer stores all your browsing history. And, there are times when you might not want the next person using the computer you have used to watch the websites you have visited. Which means you don’t want the next person to see your browsing history. For instance, you wouldn’t want the next person to see the shopping sites you have visited or websites you had opened for research or YouTube videos you binged on. In that case, you can browse these websites in incognito, and rest assured that as soon as you’ll close the session all the browsing history will vanish away.

– Log Into Accounts Safely

Google account

Has it ever happened to you that you had to plead with your friend or worse, a stranger to log out from an email account you just accessed fearing that he or she will see all your confidential emails or chats? Happens, we are humans and we are bound to make errors. And, it won’t be wrong to say that to cover up such grave errors technology has blessed us with boons like the incognito mode. Wondering how? Even if you close down the incognito window without signing out of your account, the next person will have to go through a fresh “sign-in” process.

– Gain An Outside Perspective

When normally searching on the web, that search is influenced by our previous search history. On normal days, you’d love to see a previously loaded website popup especially if it’s something that you visit daily. You can build on your past searches, access frequently visited websites, etc.  But, what if you want to gain a fresh perspective on something? Maybe you want to start afresh on pet nutrition and don’t want your previous searches to distract you. In that case, you can open as many tabs as you want and even then none of your previous searches will influence your current searches.

– Steer Clear From Ads

Bugged by ads or companies that follow you everywhere you go, and every website you surf? Let’s say you had searched for those limited edition sneakers and now you can see ads of e-commerce websites or the ads of brands popping up everywhere, destroying your browsing experience. Don’t want that to happen to you? The next time you go e-shopping or search for tickets for your next dream destination, make sure you use the incognito mode.

Also Read: How to Block All Pop-Up Ads on Android

– Incognito Mode Is  Great For Web Developers

Web caching often comes in the way when a developer has to refresh a website and it interferes with new changes. Incognito mode on the other hand helps avoid web caching completely, and a web developer can easily see the new changes.

Also Read: How Much Can Private Browsing Protect You?

Use Android To Surf The Web – Private Browser Care Help You Maintain Online Privacy

Ever thought that you can have a standalone private browser whose ultimate intent is to let you surf in complete anonymity, a browser that ensures that none of your browsing histories, cookies, or caches are saved? Even if you have heard and are looking for one such browser, your search ends here with Private Browser Care.

What is a Private Browser?

As the name suggests, Private Browser is a free browser that offers safe, speedy, and secure browsing. It is extremely lightweight which means it doesn’t hog your smartphone’s storage.  Want to know more about Private Browser Care and why it is one of the best tools to maintain online privacy read this post.

How To Use Private Browser Care?

Secure browsing

1.    Install the app from the Play Store

2.    Enter the website and surf without having the fear of being tracked

3.    Dedicated ad blocker which blocks ads on the websites you visit

4.    Access the desktop version of the website by clicking on three vertical dots on the right-hand side and tap on the checkbox against the Desktop Site option

Where Does Private Browsing Or Incognito Mode Fall Behind

There are some places where incognito mode might not be able to safeguard privacy. For example, websites that you visit, your school/ university or company, or even your ISP (Internet Service Provider) will still be able to track your activity and your IP address will be visible as well.

So, these are the benefits of using Incognito mode. Private Browsing can be helpful if you don’t want others to track your activity. How often do you use Private mode? Let us know in the comment section below.

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