The phone rings! It claims to be a technical support specialist from Microsoft. Even your ‘Caller ID’ confirms it to be a tech support number. T...
Whaling Phishing attack is a type of cyber-attack which is executed to perform phishing attack with the purpose of getting the control of data. It nor...
Due to increased malware and ransomware attacks, data security has become a priority of companies. However, the organizations still need to stress tra...
Everyone from bad guys to legal authorities is after our personal data, but by using a virtual private network (VPN) we can safeguard our data from pr...
All thanks to the Internet, that booking hotels online have become damn simple. At first place, we used to rely on travel agents & on the basis of...
Registry is one of the most sensitive part of a Windows computer that takes care of every operation that occurs. A minor change may result in computer...
Technology is spreading its wings each day by leaps and bounds, so are the security risks. Due to the fear of getting victimized, organizations are sp...
Since online trafficking is switched to smartphone, malicious activities targeting cell phones have increased as well. And if you think that hacking y...
Certainly, no one likes limitations and boundaries. They are annoying especially when you are trying to browse the web to find out that the site or so...
Spam mails: demeaning life on the Internet. Spam mails are like an epidemic and its huge increase in recent years is beginning to take its toll on th...
Black Friday is here and thus the shopping season begins. After Thanksgiving, the occasion when we thank for the things that we are grateful for. Blac...
Online users are more at risk from these cyber stalkers who use the Email Box, the Live Chat or IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and the Message Boards or Ne...