WhatsApp is a bundle of a lot of sensitive data. There are texts, images, videos and several other kinds of files that you might not want everyone to ...
Do you believe in Astrology or horoscope? No! Well, term astrology exists from centuries. And the person who tells the future and reads astrology is ...
Who doesn’t like barbie? Barbie is famous all around the world and it comes in different sizes and shapes. And with time Barbie is getting advanc...
Gmail is undoubtedly the most used email service and so are its other apps. Google Calendar is the best calendar app that is widely used by users. ...
We’ve all been in situations of minor or major cracks on our smartphone screen. Well, I know it hurts when your phone slips out from your hand or po...
Halloween is one of my favorite celebrations as it always inspires me to try out something new and different. It is generally considered to be a monst...
Track your investments and spendings with these money management apps. Now that we all carry a mini computer in our pockets why should we wait to n...
Android is a very stable operating system but steady OS can also crash or apps can stop working. Things really get out of the hand when Android gives ...
People are getting smart enough to measure and gauge distance and area with their eyes, but is this accurate enough? Well, I doubt. We often give an e...
Duplicate contacts don’t just take up space on your smartphone but create a lot of confusion as well. And if you are a smartphone user one thing is ...
Changing Fonts in Android smartphones is one of those tasks which most people don’t think about. It may not seem very important at first, but once y...
We all agree to the fact that no matter how smart our phones have become, still its prime job is to send and receive calls. Imagine one fine day if yo...