6 Reasons Why Using a Password Manager Software is a Good Idea

6 Reasons Why Using a Password Manager Software is a Good Idea

“Treat your password like a toothbrush. Don’t let anybody else use it, and get a new one every six months” ~ Clifford Stall Well, no matter h...

Headphone Jack is History But Do You Still Miss it

Headphone Jack is History: But Do You Still Miss it?

So, let’s start this post by asking you one simple question first. What do you think makes a good smartphone? Is it the stunning bright display or a...

Samsung Galaxy Note 10

Samsung Galaxy Note 10: What To Expect, Release Date And Leaks

2019 has been a great year in terms of new gadgets launch and technological advancements. And in this race, Samsung has also kept its pace quite well....

Best Smart Wallets That Are Worth Your Attention

5 Best Smart Wallets That Are Worth Your Attention

Smart—this is one prefix which you’ll probably find everywhere around you. Be it your smartphones or smart car or a smart home, we definitely belo...

Best iPadOS 13 Features

6 Best iPadOS 13 Features We Are Looking Forward to Use

iPadOS 13—Yes, you read it right! Get all set to welcome an all new operating system introduced by Apple that is specifically intended for tablets. ...

Do and Donts to Remember for Your Next Uber lyft ride

Do’s and Don’ts to Remember for Your Next Uber/Lyft Ride

  If we roll back ten years down the lane then sharing cab rides with strangers may seem like a totally reckless idea. But now, we cannot even...

Keep your Laptop Battery in Optimum Condition

5 Tips to Keep your Laptop Battery in Optimum Condition

Just how fuel is to cars, the same relationship is shared between battery and gadgets too! Without the battery, our devices are just dull and lifeless...