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Google Timeline:  Track The Routes You Have Traveled

Google Timeline: Track The Routes You Have Traveled

Google Maps Timeline shows your past location history in much detail. Google Maps has the feature to track your every location.  Google easily rememb...

How To Prevent Videos Being Auto Played on Twitter

How To Prevent Videos Being Auto Played on Twitter

There is no denial from the fact that social media platforms now a day keeps on introducing new and innovative features. These add on features easily ...

Get a Scrumptious Meal Delivered At Your Doorstep With These Amazing Food Delivery Apps

Get a Scrumptious Meal Delivered At Your Doorstep With These Amazing Food Delivery Apps

Got late from the office and are too tired to cook yourself a meal. Well, we might help! Indulge yourself in a non-hassle scrumptious meal by placing ...

How to Save Your Mobile Data With FaceBook's Data Saver Mode

How to Save Your Mobile Data With FaceBook's Data Saver Mode

The addiction for Facebook among users of all age group is well known. Also, it is well-known fact that Facebook app consumes a lot of data, so in cas...

Gboard Brings Incognito Mode For Supporting Apps

Gboard Brings Incognito Mode For Supporting Apps

Gboard requires no introduction for smartphone users. It is not just a keyboard app, but it can be used for different purposes which saves lot of user...

Major Changes Your iPhone Will Have After Installing New iOS Beta Version

Major Changes Your iPhone Will Have After Installing New iOS Beta Version

Long awaited Apple’s annual iOS update is all set to be released this year. You can try your hands on the latest OS that is persuading the next iPho...

Beware! You are being Watched

Beware! You are being Watched

Do you know that each device in your home, that has the Internet connection, is spying on you? Does it scare you? I name some of them – mobiles, web...

How to Convert a Microsoft Document to a Password Protected PDF File for Free

How to Convert a Microsoft Document to a Password Protected PDF File for Free

You often find your important documents like credit card statements, monthly account statements and your landline or postpaid bills as a password prot...

How To Use iCloud Drive On Mac, iPad and iPhone

How To Use iCloud Drive On Mac, iPad and iPhone

iCloud Drive is a cloud-based file management platform between all your devices like iPad, iPhone and Mac. As an apple customer, you are automatically...

Must Have Apps To Watch HD Movies & TV Shows On Android & iOS

Must Have Apps To Watch HD Movies & TV Shows On Android & iOS

In the current era of digital media, entire globe has come in our hands. Amongst the innumerable things, we can do using new latest technology one th...

How To Get Android Alerts On Your Windows 10 System

How To Get Android Alerts On Your Windows 10 System

Windows 10 Anniversary Update, Creators update came with many great features – one of them is Cortana integration on Android devices! Microsoft made...

What is NoSQL DBMS?

What is NoSQL DBMS?

NoSQL databases and management systems are currently popular in the storage industry. The coming of big data is the main reason behind the growth and ...