Is It Legal To Use VPNs? – Countries that have banned VPNs

Is It Legal To Use VPNs?  – Countries that have banned VPNs

VPNs have undoubtedly gained a lot of popularity in recent times. But the fact about the legality of VPNs still bothers people. The fact that you are trying to hide something from the government, bothers people, which I don’t consider baseless. I mean the kind of intervention in our lives the Governments assume to be their right, we got to be doing something wrong on the legal front by using a VPN.

So, let us get straight into the questions to clarify your doubts about the legality of VPNs.

Are VPNs Illegal/Legal?

The biggest question that lies ahead – Is it legal to use a VPN? – Answer is Yes, it is perfectly legal to use VPN but only in the countries that haven’t put any restrictions on using a VPN.

Thankfully, the countries that restrict the use of VPN are completely outnumbered by the countries that believe it is fine for people to use a VPN to protect their data and privacy.

Is it illegal to use VPN for Something?

Is it Illegal to use VPN? – NO. In most parts of the world, near about 195 countries, there are no specific conditions to adhere to while using a VPN and hence, it is completely legal to use a VPN in any which way the person feels like.

However, there are some obvious things that a person shouldn’t be doing while using a VPN. Because VPNs provide anonymity and encryption, many people use it for their personal advantage that involves harming others in one way or the other. This is obviously illegal for the sake of illegality of the crime itself, not because of the illegality of VPN.

Also Read: Ways To Monitor VPN Connection On Windows 10

Is it Legal to Use a VPN for Netflix?

There are two different answers to the question. Is it legal to use a VPN for Netflix? – NO. Netflix, in its terms and conditions, prohibits the use of VPN for watching Netflix i.e. you shouldn’t be watching Netflix while a VPN is turned On.

The second question being – Does Netflix create a fuss about it? – NO. To begin with, not all VPNs work with Netflix, only the most advanced ones do. Netflix doesn’t really mind people using VPN from overseas to watch the local content simply because it is uneconomical.

Even if Netflix detects you using a VPN for watching Netflix content online.

However, using a VPN to watch Netflix is totally different than using VPN Torrenting to download copyrighted content which we absolutely don’t suggest. It can lend you in serious legal trouble.

Countries that have Banned VPNs:

There are several regions that have completely or partially prohibited the use of VPN for any purpose. If you are travelling, you may want to first check the rules and regulations of the country relating to use of VPNs.

Countries that have Banned VPN

There are around 10 Countries in the world that have either completely prohibited or restricted the use of VPN. Reasons for doing so vary in nature, mostly inclined towards politics and will to control what their citizens access.

Some countries have been strict from the very beginning, some have recently adopted this policy. Countries like Iraq have restricted VPN access to control terror activities. For people who are concerned that VPNs are legal in China or other regions, here is a list of all 10 countries with VPN restrictions and their degree of prohibition.

Countries Degree of restrictions


VPNs are highly necessary tools for the citizens in general. The general public is 2 times more likely to be attacked by a Cyber-threat than an organization would. Simply because of the level of security they employ.

As you can tell by now, the countries banning VPNs are largely outnumbered by the countries that do allow free access to VPNs. More often than not, governments restricting access to VPN is an attempt to creep into the privacy of people which would otherwise be really difficult.

Hence, if you happen to not live in those countries you should definitely get a VPN for yourself to protect your data and privacy from those who are looking to take advantage of any vulnerability on the users’ end.

With that being said, if you are looking for a VPN for Windows PC, we suggest using Systweak VPN.

Systweak VPN:

Systweak VPn Logins

Systweak VPN is one of the most widely used and feature packed VPNs available in the market. Systweak VPN serves as an all-rounder that provides unrestricted access to content streaming sites like Netflix and Disney+ while also providing unmatched security. Some of the most highlighted features of Systweak VPN are:

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  • AES 256-Bit Encryption: Systweak VPN uses AES 256-Bit encryption in order to safeguard the data and render it into unreadable form to protect it from various cyber-threats.
  • IKev2: Systweak VPN uses IKev2 protocol to transfer peer to peer files safely ignoring various cyber-security risks.
  • IP Address Masking: Systweak VPN uses IP address masking feature to hide IP address and protect online data and privacy.

With these amazing features and more, Systweak VPN is one of the most trusted VPNs out there.

So, this was all the information and answers to your questions – Are VPNs Illegal/Legal? Are VPNs Legal in China? Is it legal to use a VPN for Netflix? Hope we were able to provide you the information you were looking for. Keep visiting our blog for more such tech related content.

Next Reading:

How To Reduce VPN Data Usage On Windows 10?

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