Do you think twice before handing over the phone to your kids, when they ask for your iPhone to play games, being afraid that they might harm o...
Many problems can be fixed using Windows Troubleshooter. Windows troubleshooter is a small tool that will diagnose and automatically fix common proble...
It is not a decent idea to have your browser save website passwords. In case, if your computer is compromised, or your laptop stolen, it is quite ea...
Windows 10 is full of options, which helps user to work as per their convenience. One of such options that Windows 10 provides is a facility to setup ...
The home button of an iPhone can be used to accomplish numerous tasks, such as opening recent apps, navigate to the home screen, interact with ...
We daily use computers at office or home to complete our important tasks. And sometimes we really get bored of doing the same things on the PC. This r...
Originally, Assembly Language was designed and developed with a one-to-one correspondence between machine language instructions and mnemonics. All the...
The USB ports on your Windows 10 computer are a gateway through which a lot of critical (and possibly dangerous data) can be accessed and exchanged. W...
SmartScreen filter a feature that prevents unrecognized apps from running. Windows SmartScreen filter will help users block unrecognised applications...
It is a well-known truth that hardware specification alone cannot make a device run faster. Software also plays a vital role in the speed up any embed...
Internet browsing is one of the essential need for today. While browsing the internet, we come across many words which are new for us and to know the ...
Google Chrome is one of the powerful browser, which is not only used for internet browsing but also can be used for different tasks which are basicall...