Tips To Stay Safe From Cyber Attacks This Cyber Monday

Tips To Stay Safe From Cyber Attacks This Cyber Monday

More than 60% Americans are expected to participate in Cyber Monday sale this year. Thus, with such great participation, there is a huge risk of onlin...

What is a cyber-attack and how it affected us this year?

What is a cyber-attack and how it affected us this year?

This year has been rough for IT industry due to many cyber-attacks. What is a cyber-attack? A cyber-attack is performed by hackers using a computer ...

How to Protect Your System from Malware Attacks

How to Protect Your System from Malware Attacks

Everything in this world has two aspects,both good and evil. This same thing goes with technology as well. Where on one side it made our lives easier,...

The Evil Trinity: Vulnerabilities, Exploits, and Threats

The Evil Trinity: Vulnerabilities, Exploits, and Threats

With the changing environment everything is becoming complex than ever. With more and more devices getting connected via internet , hackers have more ...

How To Remove PUP From Mac

How To Remove PUP From Mac

We all love Mac OS for its security features, but do you know that Mac OS is susceptible to potentially unwanted programs (PUP)? These programs displa...

Mac Malware: A Brief History

Mac Malware: A Brief History

Mac malware has grown immensely past 2 decades. With the passing years, it has become more dangerous and sophisticated. For years now, there have b...

Removing Pop-up Ads and Browser Hijacker on Mac OS

Removing Pop-up Ads and Browser Hijacker on Mac OS

Do you still believe that Mac systems are super-secure and immune to viruses? If so, I hate to break the bubble- It’s all a Myth. Mac security is at...

How To Get Rid Of Malware On Mac

How To Get Rid Of Malware On Mac

Mac is commonly seen as less prone to cyber-attacks than Windows. However, it’s grown popularity has attracted attention from hackers like honey...