Tips & Tricks

Steer Clear of Copyrighted Images To Save Yourself From Trouble

We have already discussed some of the best ways you can copyright images which is important to save your hard work from people who might misuse them, who might take the credit for images you have captured, and that too without your permission.

But, what if you are using an image – for your blog, for an exhibition, or any other purpose? Would you want to take credit and applause for someone else’s hard work? And, even more importantly, would you want to get into legal trouble? And here’s what we mean – If you publish, reproduce or share someone else’s original work without their prior permission, the creator can drag you into a legal tussle.

For any such hassles, here are some ways you can find if your chosen are without copyright or come with a copyright.

Also Read: How to Add Watermark to Photos in Simplest Ways

How To Know if A Photo Is Copyrighted?

Consider this – You have written a very well-researched and engaging blog. Something that is expected to drive thousands or even more readers to your blog, and, this blog could even generate several dollars in sales.

Here comes the part, where you have to substantiate your facts and the other text pieces with equally engaging and appropriate images. Before you choose your images, we recommend you take the following points into account to check are about to use a copyrighted photo or not –

1. Is There A Watermark?

Look at the bottom right of the image. This watermark indicates that this image belongs to the Tweak Library.

A watermark very evidently tells you that the image you are looking at is a copyrighted photo. The watermark will have text or symbol such as ⓒ telling you the name of the individual creator or the company whose designers have created the image. What this also means is that under no circumstances should you try and remove the watermark to make the image your own, let alone having any thoughts of publishing it under your name.

Also Read: How To Remove Watermark From Videos on Windows?

2. Dive Into An Image’s Metadata

It’s not what’s on the outside that matters (at least when we are dealing with copyright), it’s what’s on the inside that matters. Get a hint of what we are talking about? Metadata it is. Amidst several other things such as ISO settings used, camera make and model, location data, and others, the first thing that should and probably will meet your eye is the name of the owner. What you can do is contact the owner and seek their permission if you can use their image. Under most circumstances, you can give credits to the creator of the image by mentioning the source from where you have taken the image.

Whether you want to check the copyright information or want to edit metadata information on your images (i.e. images that belong to you, of which you are the owner or creator), a utility like Photos Exif Editor can be very useful. Please read the “Please Note” section, before using this tool.

Here’s why Photos Exif Editor is the best way to remove or even edit several different kinds of Exif data.

Please Note: We do not promote changing the metadata of other creators’ images and then using the photo as your own. Photos Exif Editor can be used to change metadata if you are the owner of an image (whether you have clicked them by yourself or have purchased a license or have acquired due permission to use them). You can use the tool to edit metadata and safeguard your creations.

What is Photos Exif Editor?

If you want to edit the metadata information of several photos on your computer or Mac, Photos Exif Editor is the tool you need. It includes data such as the artist’s name, copyright information, software use, ISO, Camera makes and model, and other such information. You can also take a backup of the original metadata before editing it.

In a way by removing crucial information such as location data, you can prevent yourself or the people you care for from those who have ulterior motives, such as stalking. Also, you can safeguard yourself and your loved ones from social engineering attacks as well.

How To Use Photos Exif Editor?

Want to get into an in-depth working of Photos Exif Editor? You can refer to the hyperlink just above. But, to get started here are a few simple steps –

1. Download, install and run Photos Exif Editor. Photos Exif Editor is available for both

Download Photos EXIF Editor

2. You can add a folder from your computer or Mac or you can even add individual photos as well.

3. From the right-hand side of the interface, you can see editing options

4. You can even check the metadata of the image by clicking on the three lines at the bottom right of each image.

3. A Reverse Image Search Can Help

So, you have picked a photo from the web and want to know if it belongs to the category of no copyright images. Moreover, you still don’t know who the creator of the image is. A reverse image search can help. If you use Google as a way to search images, here’s how you can use Reverse Lookup on Google image search.

Even otherwise, you can count on some other reverse image search engines as well. Either way, you will be able to find who the owner of the image is. You know what to do next – contact the owner, ascertain their permission to use the image.

4. Use An Image Search and Recognition Website

Let’s take the example of TinEye, which is a website that can help you in image recognition and search. Quite like the above method (but still using a lesser amount of steps), you can find where your chosen images are used on the internet.

All you have to do is –

1. Right-click on the image on the web and copy the image address or you can even save the image to a location on your computer.

2. Visit Tineye

3. Either Upload the image from your computer or right-click and paste the copied image URL in the field shown in the screenshot below.

4. Click on the search icon and all the sources of the image will be listed.

Wrapping Up:

As much as we want to protect our hard work, we must also take due measures to not even mistakenly use copyrighted images. If you propagate the same thought, do share this blog with your friends and other creators. Also, we’d love to know what measures you take to search for images. For more such content keep reading Tweak Library.

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