Mozilla Pulls Malicious Add-Ons From The Firefox Browser

Malicious add ons and extensions somehow make way into even the world’s top-class browsers. But, what’s more important is how promptly action is taken against these. Because let’s...

What Is Trickbot Malware & How To Get Rid of It On Mac?

Up until sometime back, users had a notion that malware could not infect Mac and it was confined to Windows computers only. But, let us tell you that...

TangleBot- Android Malware You Need To Know About

Malware targeting Android devices like Joker malware, MobSTSPY have become very common. In this respect, a new malware strain called TangleBoat is out in the wild. The malware,...

Top Mac Malware and Security Flaws

Mac malware do they exist? Yes, they do and as you read on, you will understand Macs aren’t 100% immune to cyber-attacks. Long story short no device is...

AdLoad – A Mac Malware That Has Punched Through Apple’s Gatekeeper and XProtect

As per security research firm Sentinel One, a notorious Mac Malware has resurfaced. And, it is more dangerous than ever as it is also able to invade Mac’s...

Xloader Malware – A Vicious Malware That’s Targeting Both Windows & Mac Users

We have heard of SAAS (software as a service) that lets users connect to and use cloud-based applications over the internet. But what if we told you that...

Joker Malware Is Back – Here’s What You Need to Know To Stay Protected

The unfunny Joker is back. Here, we are not referring to the Joker that brings a smile to your face. Instead, we are talking about the nasty malware...

Ramnit Malware: How it Works and How to Remove it

Malwares are almost as old as the PCs themselves. Curing a situation requires first identifying that there is a situation. Hence, all these malwares have been categorized and...

Attention Users!! Windows 10 Is Vulnerable To Hacking

Windows Operating System, one of the most widely used and recognized operating system in the world couldn’t save itself from being hacked. In a recent reveal, Microsoft Windows...

Beware of Google Alert Links Scam That May Lead to Malware

Google Alerts is a very powerful service that allows the user to receive an alert about their favorite topic or an updated RSS feed. But there are notorious...

Hollywood Inspired Agent Smith Malware Replicates Android Apps

Agent Smith Malware: Replaces legitimate apps, hides in WhatsApp and infects Android devices A new kind of mobile malware is found infecting 25 million Android devices. This Android...

LoudMiner: Cross Platform Cryptocurrency Miner uses VST Software

An uncommon Linux cryptocurrency miner known as LoudMiner, is being distributed for macOS and Windows since August 2018. This cryptocurrency malware is using a clever cryptojacking technique to...