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Different Types Of Malware

Different Types Of Malware

Cyber-attacks and Malware threats are biggest online present-day threats. No organization, individual or data is safe online, for malware a.k.a. malic...

What To Do If Your Email Is Hacked

What To Do If Your Email Is Hacked

Imagine reaching office and logging into one’s computer. But, instead of being able to access one’s inbox, you see an error displayed. Considering...

Crypto Mining Is The Next Big Threat After Ransomware

Crypto Mining Is The Next Big Threat After Ransomware

The first half of this year reported 32% of cyber-attacks, out of which only 8 % were by ransomware and rest of the attacks fell in crypto mining hot ...

Cyber Threat: Latest & Deadliest Computer Virus

Cyber Threat: Latest & Deadliest Computer Virus

No longer, cyber threats are limited to just PC. If you go online through any device, you are prone to cyber threats and data theft. Malware and phi...

An Insight Into the ZeroAccess Virus

An Insight Into the ZeroAccess Virus

Are you facing problems like your PC getting restarted automatically, browsers giving weird responses to your queries, or frequently crashing and lagg...

Free vs. Paid VPNs: Which Is Suitable For You?

Free vs. Paid VPNs: Which Is Suitable For You?

The debate of the being better between free and paid VPN has been ON forever. Some highlights advantages of free VPN, however, others don’t advise t...

Common Mobile Security Threats and How to Protect Yourself?

Common Mobile Security Threats and How to Protect Yourself?

In this always connected world, we know the importance of online security. But even after that if we avoid common mobile security threats it is our bi...

Emotet Trojan- A Banking Trojan Which Has Evolved Dangerously

Emotet Trojan- A Banking Trojan Which Has Evolved Dangerously

There is one cybercrime actor named Mealybug which has been active since long! It became highly popular when the banking trojan Emotet was launched. B...

Different type of Hackers (And what they do)

Different type of Hackers (And what they do)

Hackers! For too long we have associated this name with a person wearing a hoodie, sitting in a darkened room, using a computer with a lot of wires an...

Top 7 Computer Viruses That You Need To Be Careful Of

Top 7 Computer Viruses That You Need To Be Careful Of

No matter whether you are pro or a novice, if you are a computer user, then you must have faced the issue called virus attack. Computer virus is a mal...

Make Microsoft Edge More Secure By Enabling Application Guard in Windows 10

Make Microsoft Edge More Secure By Enabling Application Guard in Windows 10

Although Edge browser is not as popular as its competitors like Firefox and Chrome, yet it is one of the most secure and compatible browser, especiall...

Types of Computer Security Threats and How to Avoid Them

Types of Computer Security Threats and How to Avoid Them

It’s a dangerous world out there! Doesn’t this sound dramatic, indeed but when we are referring to the world wide web and computer security it ...