Social distancing is one of the major recommendations by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for ‘community mitigation strategies’. This step towards fighting against COVID-19 will limit the spread to a greater extent. Here the quote, ‘the more the merrier’ is a perfect fit, as it says the more people will be attentive for social distancing the better the situation will be.
What Is Social Distancing?
Social distancing is a term that is used by epidemiologists to refer to a conscious effort that aims at reducing the close contact between people and hopefully will hinder the community transmission of the virus. When it comes to maintaining distances socially, it is a combination of various rules, do’s and don’ts.
An elevator with social distancing stickers in a hospital in Thailand

Before we get to that point of discussion, it is important for you to know that health officials all around the world have asked their citizens to do one important thing i.e. practice social distancing. Schools all around are closed, workers are staying at home, businesses are shut down, restaurants are only offering take-out and delivery services, sports events, concerts, festivals and all other kinds of gatherings have been cancelled.
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Social Distancing- How To Do This?
1. Avoid Close Contact With Others
As per the health ministries of all Nations, it is advised to maintain enough distance from a person standing/sitting beside you. If we talk about numbers, it is said to maintain a six-foot radius of personal space. This will help you break the chain of coronavirus spread within your community.
2. Work From Home
It is said to avoid going to your workplaces as there are chances to come in contact with more people. You never know who came from where, who has what symptoms and more. Therefore, you can stop going to the office and consider managing and working from home. This will not only help you stay safe but also let you help others to stay safe too. You can use video calling apps to stay connected with your colleagues even while working from home.
3. Avoid Going To Crowded Places
Gatherings and shared public places are more prone to diseases and spread of coronavirus. Therefore, avoid going to the gym, restaurants, festivals, concerts, and public events. Avoid travelling through public transports like buses, trains cruises etc. Avoid nonessential travel to any place, especially if you have poor immunity and you’re at a higher risk of getting sick. All these restrictions are imposed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
4. Accept Deliveries From A Distance
Life of a lot of people revolves around online shopping, be it things of basic necessity or just about ordering your meal online. For such people, it is important to keep in mind that they grab their grub from the takeout window or have it delivered. When we talk about deliveries, it is again important to ask the delivery person to leave the parcel at the door. This will minimize the risk for you and the delivery person as well.
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5. Choose Off-Peak Hours To Shop
We understand, groceries and similar essentials are important for a person’s daily living. Therefore, always try to choose the off-peak hours to shop and always maintain a six-foot distance between you and other people. This will reduce the chances of droplets spread through the air by coughing or sneezing. Also, ensure that you clean the shared surfaces before and after you come in contact with them.
Afterall, our health is our priority. Practice Social Distancing to keep it safe and secure.
Besides all these preventive measures and posts by health officials and the government, there are still a lot of people who think all this is just a minor thing and will not impact them adversely. Some of them are accepting the reality while others are still taking it lightly, roaming around and hanging out. We never know what their irresponsibility and carelessness will bring for the rest of the people. Here we have highlighted a few illustrations by Mercury News that shows how differently people are responding to this pandemic.
A: People Who Aren’t Taking Pandemic Seriously

B: Superhero Superman accepts social distancing to stay safe from Novel Coronavirus.

Do’s and Don’ts To Stay Safe From COVID-19
- Wash your hands frequently.
- Keep sanitizing your hands.
- Always cover your mouth from a tissue or mask while coughing or sneezing.
- Check timely with your Doctor if you find any symptom like fever, coughing or breathing issue.
- Keep up high-hygiene at your place.
- Avoid touching your face, nose and eyes.
- Avoid Handshakes.
- Do roam around at public places.
- Avoid travelling.
- Maintain minimum 1 meter distance while talking to someone.
How Will Social Distancing Help Us?
Since a lot of cities and countries are under lockdown, you too are advised to accept this crucial phase and adopt social distancing as a part of your lives for a couple of weeks coming ahead. This will help in breaking the chain and we’ll can save us and people around from this epidemic.
How are you maintaining Social Distancing? What activities are helping you to stay inside? Do let us know in the comments section below.
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