In this fast-paced life, we often skip out on the most basic thing that one needs to live a happy life. Love. with the advent of dating sites and thei...
Do you feel uneasy when Amazon remembers what product you were browsing? Especially when you see that same product as ads or in corner of your Faceboo...
With the increase of malware and other infections in the world, one has to be very careful while using a computer. Using the internet has become one o...
Data is the important part of businesses. You store data, communicate and process it and it is the crucial part of running a business. The advancement...
You are trying to log into your PC, but it is taking forever to boot. When it finally does, you see many unfamiliar applications running and your brow...
Google has expanded its services in almost every stream possible. It’s Google’s centricity and dedication that has developed faith and trust among...
We all get our share of spams, some get it often, while others come across them rarely. But differentiating between genuine and spam mails is a tough ...
There’s no ambiguity that malware is spreading rapidly and becoming more fatal with time and technological advancement. The world of technology is c...
Jailbreaking an iPhone or iPad means removing restrictions on the devices that manufacturer and carrier placed on them. By jailbreaking your iPhone or...
As we are living in a world where we need internet connectivity 24/7 it is certainly difficult to image life without it. We found ourselves almost han...
Using these simple methods you can protect your sensitive data from the security breach. Undoubtedly, the Internet has changed our lives a lot, bot...
Advancement in technology has not only made life easier and convenient for us but also for the attackers. Now, as compared to before, attackers find i...