Tips To Enhance Your IPAD’S Security

Tips To Enhance Your IPAD’S Security

Advancement in technology has not only made life easier and convenient for us but also for the attackers. Now, as compared to before, attackers find it easier to creep into the system by compromising the security standards. This is the reason that we do not leave any stone unturned when it comes to the security of our PC’s and Mac’s. However, in between all this, we somewhere have ignored the security measures that were essential for other devices like tablets, iPhones, iPads etc.

We all must admit that now iPhone and iPads are preferable devices as compared to MacBook or Laptops. But still, we do not think much about their security, even though they contain sensitive and confidential data, that, if compromised can put us in big trouble. So, if you too take the security of your iPad seriously then here are some simple tips that will help you enhance your iPad’s security.

Tips to Strengthen iPad’s Security

Since the security of iPad is as much important as it is  for MacBook and Laptops, therefore, we have summed up few simple to follow tips that will help you strengthen your iPad’s security.

Use of Sturdy Passcode

Often many of us that use Touch Id as an authentication method ignore using a passcode. But a strong passcode is always required to protect your data. Also, from iOS 9, Apple has provided the facility of setting a 6-digit passcode that is more secure as compared to a 4-digit passcode. So, if you are still using a 4-digit passcode then it’s time to change it to 6-digit passcode in Settings > Touch Id > Passcode. Also, if anyone of you are thinking that entering a 6-digit passcode is a cumbersome process then remember that since you are using Touch Id to unlock your device you rarely need to enter this passcode. So, go ahead and use a complex 6-digit passcode to layer up your devices security.

Always Use Two-Step Verification Method

Two Step Verification provides an extra layer of security to your device. Also, two-step verification is a perfect blend of something that we know and something that we have, making it completely impossible for an attacker to access your data even getting your password. Once you enable two-step verification you will need to enter your password as well as the code that is supplied to your phone or the apps like Authy or Google Authenticator.

Also Read: Tips to Secure your iPhone Data from Hackers

Enable Find My iPad

Nothing can be more painful than losing your device. However, if you have setup and enabled Find My iPad then you have a chance to locate and get your iPad back in case you lose it. Also, it may be possible that you have misplaced your iPad somewhere in your home or office then Find My iPad will easily locate your device if its connected to a Wi-Fi and location services are turned on.

Enable Automatic Wiping of Data

Apple provides its users an option of automatic wiping of data in case the wrong passcode is entered more than the allowed number of times. So, if your lost iPad goes into wrong hands then he cannot get your data as it will be automatically deleted once the allowed number of wrong passcode is reached. However, be extra cautious with this feature if you are living with small kids that use your iPad for watching videos and playing games.

Use Virtual Private Network

Virtual Private Network is the best method to tunnel the incoming as well as outgoing information over the Internet. Using VPN, one can minimize the risk of eavesdropping, especially when you are on an unsecured public network. You can choose a VPN from various available options as per your requirement.

Update Your Device Whenever an Update is Available

Updates not only brings the latest features to the device but also release security fixes and patches for the prevailing security loopholes and coming vulnerabilities. Therefore, whenever an update is available never overlook it and install in on priority.

Must Read: 7 Steps to Secure Your Data Over a Wireless Network

So, folks, these were some tips that every one of us should follow to increase our iPad’s security. If you have some other suggestions then please share them with us in the below comments section.

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