Bitdefender vs Kaspersky vs Systweak Antivirus

Bitdefender vs Kaspersky vs Systweak Antivirus

It isn’t difficult to search for an antivirus in this day and age. There is a plethora of options available in the market. However, not all of them stand on the same ground when it comes to features and functionality.

Even if you manage to filter out the very best, it is still difficult to identify the very best out of them. In this post, we will discuss about the three most popular Antivirus solutions, their pros & cons, who they are for, etc. and will help you decide which one of them is the one for you; Systweak Antivirus, Bitdefender, or Kaspersky.

By the end of the blog, you will have the complete Bitdefender Review, Kaspersky Review, Systweak Antivirus review, etc. You will know the difference between Bitdefender Total Security vs Kaspersky Total Security.

Before we go on and decide the best out of these, we will have to first see what makes a great antivirus solution.

What makes the best Antivirus solution?

What Makes the Best Antivirus

As mentioned in the infographic above, an Antivirus solution has to have a great malware protection at an affordable price combined with other great features in a way that it affects our system the least.

Now that we are done with the basics of the best Antivirus in the market, let’s get going into the details.

Note: This is going to be a bit long one. So, if you are in a hurry, read this comprehensive Conclusion about Kaspersky vs Bitdefender vs Systweak Antivirus.

Comprehensive Conclusion – Bitdefender vs Kaspersky vs Systweak Antivirus

If you are looking for an Antivirus for a Windows Device, Systweak Antivirus won’t disappoint you. Even if it does, you have a long 60-day money back guarantee.

However, if you are looking for an antivirus for multiple devices with different OS, Bitdefender Antivirus is the more logical choice for you.

Bitdefender vs Kaspersky vs Systweak Antivirus

1. Malware Protection – Kaspersky vs Bitdefender vs Systweak Antivirus

(Malicious Software) Malware are programmable files containing malicious code aimed at benefitting Hackers by stealing the users’ personal information one way or the other. Any Malware attacks amount to a great loss of money and persona data.

Malware protection being the primary goal of any Antivirus, let’s begin with the discussion of Malware Protection offered by Bitdefender, Kaspersky, and Systweak Antivirus.

Bitdefender Review – Malware Protection:

Malware Protection Feature

Click here to Install Bitdefender Antivirus

Bitdefender has been a popular name in the computer security business. It has now expanded to mobile devices too. Bitdefender Antivirus is often marketed as the self-acclaimed industry leader.

In our testing, Bitdefender Antivirus offered a very decent malware protection. However, for more detailed results we can refer to the tests conducted by AV-Test Lab.

Note: AV-Test Lab is an independent lab that works to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of various protection suites, be it business or home product, available in the market. AV-Test Lab is highly acclaimed.

Bitdefender Review

As can be seen in the results above, Bitdefender Managed to detect and eliminate all 100% of Malware samples it was tested against giving it a score of 100% as compared to 97% industry average.

Systweak Antivirus Review – Malware Protection:

Quick Scan - Systweak Antivirus

Click Here to Download Systweak Antivirus

Another new Antivirus Solution is Systweak Antivirus that has quickly gained a lot of value and market thanks to its robust security and features. Systweak Antivirus is yet to make its way into mobile and Mac devices. However, for Windows users, Systweak Antivirus has made a big dent in the market of other premium antiviruses like McAfee.

Talking about the Malware Protection, in our testing of 7 days running it against thousands of malware samples, Systweak Antivirus gave the same result as Bitdefender did. Systweak Antivirus was able to detect and eliminate 100% malware samples it was tested against. Hence, we can’t argue but believe the stats that this new Antivirus has what it takes to be an industry leader.

Kaspersky Review – Malware Protection:

Kaspersky Anti-virus Malware Protection

Get It Here

Who hasn’t heard about Kaspersky, a 2-decade old critically acclaimed Cyber-security and Antivirus company? Kaspersky Antivirus has been a well-known award-winning antivirus solution for years.

Coming to Malware Protection, Kaspersky too isn’t any different from the two mentioned above. The AV-Test Lab results for Kaspersky Antivirus are:

Kaspersky Malware samples

As can be seen from the results shown above, Kaspersky too was able to detect and eliminate 100% of Malware Samples it was tested against.

Note: There are different versions of each of these antivirus software available but the malware protection offered by them is identical.

Conclusion: Kaspersky vs Bitdefender vs Systweak Antivirus Malware Protection

Talking about Malware Protection, all three antivirus solutions, Kaspersky, Bitdefender, and Systweak Antivirus performed really well. All three managed to detect and eliminate each and every Malware sample they were tested against.

2. Features – Bitdefender vs Kaspersky vs Systweak Antivirus

As we saw above, the malware protection offered by all three of these antiviruses is pretty identical. Then what is it that they differ in? The Features it is. Features offered by an Antivirus Software over and above a Malware protection count.

Every industry leader in the segment is fighting over who has the greatest number of relevant features. Where many lose focus and start adding not-very-relevant features, these three antiviruses have excelled in the Features category. Let’s look at which among these adds more value to the price that customer pays.

Bitdefender Review – Features:

Because Bitdefender has different versions with different names, different price tags, and different features, we will have to look at these features separately for each package and decide the most relevant one out of them.

Internet Security of Bitdefender Total Security of Bitdefender Family Pack of Bitdefender
Protection For 3 Devices 5 Devices 15 Devices
Supporting OS Windows Only MacOS, iOS, Android, Windows Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android
Malware Protection Top-Notch Top-Notch Top-Notch
Parental Control Yes Yes Yes
File Shredder Yes Yes Yes
Password Manager Yes Yes Yes
VPN Limited Limited Limited
Anti-Theft No Yes Yes
Performance Optimizer Photon Photon Photon

Though the list of features offered by Bitdefender is long, these are the most relevant features that may help. However, you may note that what Bitdefender has done is to merge different software into one suite to increase the value of the product.

Which means that Bitdefender isn’t only selling you an antivirus but rather a Bundle of Software like VPN and Password Manager. If you need these it is okay to sell them along, but if you don’t need a VPN or a Password Manager, there is no option to remove them from the bundle which in my POV is a Minus Point.

Systweak Antivirus Review – Features:

Unlike Bitdefender Antivirus, Systweak Antivirus doesn’t sell the software bundled. However, if you do want a VPN or a Password Manager, Systweak has both of them for you. Don’t worry, we are going to take everything in account.

The list of Systweak Antivirus features is as follows:

Individual Multi-Device Family
Protection For 1 Device 5 Devices 10 Devices
Supported OS Windows Windows Windows
Malware Protection Top-Notch Top-Notch Top-Notch
Performance Optimizer Yes Yes Yes
Home Network Security No Yes Yes
Safe Web Browsing Yes Yes Yes
Customer Support 24×7 24×7 24×7
Password Manager TweakPass Password Manager: Can be Bought Separately
VPN Systweak VPN: Can be Bought Separately

Do you now see why Systweak Antivirus has become one of the favorites so soon? Systweak Antivirus has all the features that a person requires from an Antivirus Suite and also doesn’t foist VPN and Password Manager on you.

Kaspersky Review – Features:

Now its time for us to discuss the features of Kaspersky Antivirus after which we will be able to define which among these is the best.

Antivirus Internet Security Total Security Security Cloud
Protection For 1 Device 1 Device Up to 5 Depends on Plan Up to 10 Depends on Plan
Supported OS Windows Windows, MacOS, Android Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS
VPN No Limited Limited Limited
Password Manager No No Yes Yes
Safe Online Banking No Yes Yes Yes

Kaspersky is a simplistic Antivirus Solution and hence, it only contains a limited number of features. Although the features offered by Kaspersky Antivirus are robust, they are lesser in number when compared with Systweak Antivirus and Bitdefender Antivirus.

Conclusion on Features: Kaspersky vs Bitdefender vs Systweak Antivirus

If you are looking for an Windows Antivirus solution, there is no way you can ignore Systweak Antivirus looking at the sheer number of features and relevance that it has. Systweak VPN is one of the best VPN that there is for Windows. Where Bitdefender and Kaspersky VPN offer mere MBs of data limit per day, Systweak VPN offers unlimited bandwidth and more than 4500 servers. Also, TweakPass Password Manager by Systweak is a very critically acclaimed password manager for various different devices.

However, if you do need the antivirus for other operating systems, Bitdefender again can be a valid choice. Because it definitely has more relevant features than what Kaspersky Antivirus has.

3. System Impact – Bitdefender vs Kaspersky vs Systweak Antivirus

Because Antivirus Solutions aren’t just mere anti-malware anymore and rather are a bundle of different software, they have a major impact on the PC performance. Also, there is a large possibility that some of the Antivirus Suites may render the PC almost unusable. Hence, it is of utmost importance to measure the impact of these Antivirus Suites.

Bitdefender Review – System Impact:

The performance impact of the basic Bitdefender Antivirus – Bitdefender Internet Security has a very minute effect on the system performance.

However, when we talk about the Bitdefender Total Security, the one most people are going to use, the case is different. In our testing, Bitdefender Total Security had a mixed impact on the system performance. While running the full scan, it rendered my relatively new PC with a relatively powerful CPU slow. The impact was evident and unpleasurable.

Bitdefender Family Pack had the same impact as Bitdefender Total Security had. Hence, on the performance impact scale, I would give it 3-Start out of 5.

Systweak Antivirus – System Impact:

Similar to Bitdefender Internet Security, Systweak Antivirus for Individuals had the least impact on the system performance. On the other hand, Systweak Antivirus Multi-device and Family had a very distinct impact than Bitdefender Total Security. Systweak Antivirus was relatively easy on the system performance.

Although Bitdefender has Photon (Their own performance enhancer), Systweak Antivirus had relatively low impact on system performance and I would give it 4 Stars out of 5.

Kaspersky Review – Systweak Impact:

Kaspersky had the most expected result in the performance test. Thanks to lesser features and quality-oriented designers, Kaspersky Antivirus was the leader among all in System Performance in our testing.

Also, Kaspersky Antivirus had a pretty linear performance-impact graph among all its different versions. Hence, Kaspersky deserves 4.2 starts out of 5 in my testing.

Performance Impact Conclusion: Kaspersky vs Bitdefender vs Systweak Antivirus

Kaspersky had the least impact on system performance through all the different versions compared to other two Antiviruses. Systweak Antivirus Stood on Number 2 whereas Bitdefender lost severely on this parameter with 3rd ranking in our testing.

4. Pricing – Bitdefender vs Kaspersky vs Systweak Antivirus

Pricing is one of the most important factors of all when it comes to selecting a product. Great features offered at unreasonable prices make no sense. So, let’s not waste any more time, and get going.

Bitdefender Review – Pricing:

Internet Security : $47.25 for First year and $104.99/year after that.

Total Security: $54 for First Year and $119.99/year after that.

Family Pack: $72 for First Year and $159.99/year after that.

Though the first-year package of Bitdefender Antivirus is pretty competitive, the per-year cost after the first year seems too much for an antivirus suite.

Systweak Antivirus – Pricing:

Individual: $39.95/year

Multi-device: $49.95/year

Family Pack: $59.95/year

If we look at the pricing of Systweak Antivirus, Family Pack makes most sense with the greatest number of features and 10-device license at just $59.95/year.

Kaspersky Review – Pricing:

Because Kaspersky has a varied number of different plans, I am mentioning the most common out of those.

Internet Security: $59.95/year

Total Security: $79.99/year

Security Cloud: $89.99/year

Kaspersky Security Cloud is the most rational one out of these because the internet security is just for the malware protection and nothing else. While Kaspersky Total Security looks good, the small difference between the prices of Security Cloud and Total Security makes Security Cloud a lucrative option out of three. However, they are still more expensive than both of them.

Pricing Conclusion – Kaspersky vs Bitdefender vs Systweak Antivirus

The choice in this is pretty clear. Systweak Antivirus makes the most sense because it is more affordable than both the other options.

However, if you want an Antivirus for Operating Systems other than Windows, Bitdefender looks like a pretty good option, at least for the first year.

Conclusion – Bitdefender vs Kaspersky vs Systweak Antivirus

Malware Protection: As far as Malware Protection is concerned, all the three antiviruses stand on the same ground, the highest ground with the ability to protect you from each and every malware attack that comes your way. Hence, the result for Kaspersky vs Bitdefender vs Systweak Antivirus Malware Protection is a TIE.

Features: In the race of features, Systweak Antivirus stands tall with the greatest number of features while imposing the least on you. However, because Systweak Antivirus only supports Windows Operating System, Bitdefender is the one to go with if you are looking for an antivirus solution for other operating Systems.

System Impact: While considering System Impact, Kaspersky Antivirus (all the versions) had the least impact on the system performance, Systweak Antivirus stands at 2nd place with not-a-big margin. Bitdefender on the other hand, had the most severe impact on the system performance.

Pricing: Systweak Pricing is the most competitive out of all the three antivirus solutions mentioned here. The differences in pricing are pretty evident and considerable. Bitdefender stands on 2nd and Kaspersky on 3rd.

So, here ends our comparison of Systweak Antivirus vs Bitdefender vs Kaspersky. In this blog we also discussed Kaspersky Internet Security vs Bitdefender Internet Security, Bitdefender Total Security vs Kaspersky Total Security vs Systweak Antivirus, etc.

We hope this information came in handy in deciding the right antivirus solution to use. Keep Visiting TweakLibrary for more such tech related content and comparisons.

Recommended Readings:

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