Five Important Functions required In An Antivirus Software for MAC

Five Important Functions required In An Antivirus Software for MAC

No online system is 100% secure anytime. All types of systems can fall prey to an attack. Internet is like a home for threats where they can easily reside, dwell and spread their roots without much ado. Threats like viruses, malware, Trojans and other malicious codes not only crash the system but even have the capability to make system slow and sluggish. Not only this, they are good at stealing user’s private information too.

MAC machines are expensive but they also have loyal followers who believe Mac’s are more secure as compared to Windows. Yes! they can withstand a lot of virus attack, but at the same time as other systems they are also susceptible to attacks. Therefore, there’s a need to install effective and efficient antivirus software compatible with MAC.

Choosing a Proper Mac Antivirus Software

It’s correct that Mac’s are securer than Windows but they too need a shield to stay protected from threats. Here, in this article we have listed down important functions of a good anti-virus one should look for when safeguarding the Mac machine.

1) Know the level of protection

It’s always a good idea to stay aware about online activities like visiting a website or downloading by clicking on a link. All this helps to keep Mac machine safe and data protected. But sometimes we step on something that we aren’t aware of, like application extensions. If we enable them without knowing what they are for and how they work we can be in deep trouble. Thus, there’s a need for an antivirus software to protect Mac OS X from getting infected. An antivirus software can help to keep it protected from viruses, rootkits, spyware, Trojan horses and other malicious codes. So, while choosing an antivirus software you must see if it offers protection against phishing, rootkits, email scam, firewall and complete web protection.

Also Read: Keyloggers: How To Stay Protected?

2) Effective and Powerful

Viruses are designed to fly low under the radar, they have an ability to adapt themselves to the security of complex operating system. But with the passing time viruses are becoming more and more complex making it difficult for operating system to handle them alone. Therefore, we need an antivirus program that is more secure, one that can block viruses and has all the features to protect Mac.

3) Three Vital Features

Whenever you decide to have an antivirus software, look for three essential features in it, a quarantine, a history log and a scan scheduler. These three help to analyze the infected data instead of deleting it thus giving a chance to recover important data, clean it and use it. User can use the software to either scan the system thoroughly or for a quick scan.

4) Low on system resources

Mac’s are known for being fast and secure, but there’s still a need for an antivirus software. So, while looking for one, user needs to check if it’s good on system resources and doesn’t affect computer’s speed. It should provide automatic scanning without slowing down the computer.

Also Read: Best Mac Cleaners That Boost System Performance

5) Support System

MAC systems are secure enough to break through; they are known for their resistance and toughness to the threats. Looking at MAC’s complexity, antivirus software should be able to match that complexity. Thus, there is a need to choose the right software that offers outstanding assistance round the clock to protect Mac.

Recommended Solution

So, to make things easy we have a perfect solution for you, one that incorporates all the listed features, Intego Antivirus. Claims to give you peace of mind while using your Mac, the security solution helps in protecting your data, optimize it for better performance, and comes with Parental Controls to block inappropriate websites related to gambling, adult content, etc. Not only this, it even features like keystroke tracking, screenshot recording, app blocking, anti-predator alerts, custom firewall, Quarantine dangerous files in a secure vault, and so on.

Click Here to download Intego Antivirus

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