These Are The Best Features Of Android 11 So Far!

These Are The Best Features Of Android 11 So Far!

Finally, Android 11 is on its way to give a lot of surprises with its new and smart features. Recently, Google has released its Android 11 Developer Preview in mid-February this year. Trust me, this release has given a lot of new crunch to its users regarding its features.

Best Features Of Android 11

Indeed, Android has its own specifications such as it is open-source, multilingual, battery life and the list goes on…

Here in this blog, we will share the best features of Android 11, that will force you to get this smartphone as soon as it enters the market.

Before proceeding ahead with Android 11 features, we will share a small table that will help you to get the information regarding the final release.

Android 11 Builds Releasing Plan
Developer Preview 1 February 2020
Developer Preview 2 March 2020
Developer Preview 3 April 2020
Beta 1 May 2020
Beta 2 June 2020
Beta  3 Q3 2020
Final Build Q3 2020

Hence, you will be getting Android 11 by the end of this year. So, if you are planning to buy a new smartphone, get it by October 2020. Finally, it’s time to jump in the pool of some amazing features of Android 11.

Best Android 11 Features

1. Schedule Dark Mode

Schedule Dark Mode

Dark themes have now become an important part of the digital devices, whether it is a laptop or smartphone dark mode is there. Similarly, there was another Android feature which was partially included in Android 10, yes! We are talking about Scheduling Dark Mode on Android 11. 

We are aware of the fact that Android’s dark mode falls back from the iOS dark theme because it has an option to turn off and on dark mode according to your preferred time. Hence many users required night mode apps to avoid eye strain.

But the good news is you can schedule dark mode according to your time or during the sunset in the features of Android 11.

2. Bubbly Chat Bubbles

Bubbly Chat Bubbles
Image Via Android Police

The Bubbles was there in Android 10 Beta 2 and now users will witness its extended version of Android 11 feature. Chat Bubbles are those small circles with a profile picture of the sender that pop up on the screen, just like the Facebook Messenger. But now this bubble will be seen as a default Android function. Previously you needed to turn it on from the settings option.

Now you can use other apps while using chat bubble features of Android. Hence, this is easy to keep all the conversations at the top with other applications. But we have to wait to see the compatibility of the chat bubble with other apps i.e. WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram and so on.

3. Bluetooth And Airplane Mode

Bluetooth And Airplane Mode

Woah! This Android function will surely give a lot of jovialities to those who socialize a lot, Yes! Even on the flight. Imagine you’re getting bored on the flight and wanted to share an amazing picture of your previous vacations with your friend. How would you do that? With the help of the features of Android 11, it can be done.  

Bluetooth will now stay on even in-flight mode. If you are connected with podcasts or audio files or other media, you will still be going to listen to your favorite tracks on airplane mode.

After all, you will be going to do something in the long boring flight!

Also Read- Why you should Turn ON Airplane Mode in Airlines?

4. NFC File Share

NFC File Share

Like the Airdrop feature in iOS devices, Android 11 will showcase the same hallmark by which you can share data between two devices. Prior, Android Beam was there to exchange media but now Google has revamped it and will offer another good alternative by the name of Fast Share [According to Sources]

Now there will be no need to install a third-party application to exchange media files any more. We are excited to see this Android function on the upcoming version.

Also Read- How Can Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology Help Us in 2020?

5. No Vibration While Using Camera

No Vibration While Using Camera

Have you ever experienced a situation when you are capturing an amazing video of your kid and suddenly there is a vibration? This is annoying because you can’t help it and your video too went in vain.

Thankfully, you will not be going to witness this incident on the features of Android 11.

Some Other Android 11 Functions:

  • Built-in Screen Recorder
  • Extended Battery and Storage Space
  • Enhanced DND Settings
  • Conversation Section in Notifications
  • Pin Your Favorite Apps On The Share Menu

 That’s all folks! Since there’s still some time before we officially get Android 11, there’s a huge chance more features are added to this list. If you are aware of other Android features, which I have missed out here, let me know in the comment section below.

Hopefully, we have guided you with the amazing features of Android 11. Don’t forget to subscribe and share this blog with your circle. We are open for conversation too!

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