How To Work From Home, Self Quarantine and Stay Safe During COVID-19

The COVID-19 outbreak has made it strange and scary for all of us to step out of our houses. Due to this epidemic, most of us are locked in our homes and working from home for the very first time. Even the elderly and retired people are also trying as many hacks as they can to maintain social distancing to stop this widespread disease called Coronavirus.

How To Work From Home, Self Quarantine and Stay Safe During COVID-19

The COVID-19 outbreak has made it strange and scary for all of us to step out of our houses. Due to this epidemic, most of us are locked in our homes and working from home for the very first time. Even the elderly and retired people are also trying as many hacks as they can to maintain social distancing to stop this widespread disease called Coronavirus.

It has been months we are continuously hearing about this pandemic and trying best of our capacities to prevent not only ourselves but also many others too. Coronavirus outbreak or COVID-19 is not as general as a lot of people are still considering it. Therefore, all the Governments across the world, medical staff and other supervisory units have asked people to stay within their homes, not to meet people, avoid gatherings and continue their businesses or work from there itself.

people to stay within their home premises

In the need of this outbreak, we also urge more and more people to stay within their home premises and work accordingly. Also, we have curated a list of things that can help you to equally stay productive at work just like you are in your office. Work from home is one of the best practices for self-quarantine.

Self Quarantine-What Does It Mean?

Self-quarantine is a term used to stay at home and take all the measures for isolating yourself. Especially, people with poor immunity need to be taken into immediate isolation so that they do not get exposed to all this situation. If you are working, you might have come in contact with a lot of people at your workplace and you never know who was suffering from what. Therefore it is better to self-quarantine yourself to take necessary measures and prevent yourself from this epidemic. Remember this pandemic is not going to go anytime soon.

Work From Home Measures To Consider

Here are some basic rules and tips we have curated from speaking to experts to ease the stress and lighten the workload. Keep a note of these work from home tips to ensure better productivity and desired outputs.

1. Dress Up And Start Your Day

Dress Up And Start Your Day

Working from home doesn’t mean that you stay as you want. It is always recommended to get washed, put your makeup on, brush your hair, dress up as if you are going to the office, or a meeting and then only start up with your work. Dressing up is quite important as it makes you feel better, confident and lets you avoid laziness. Ensure that you dress up in a way that if any of your colleagues or clients come up suddenly with a Skype meeting over a video call, you are at a safer and a presentable side.

A famous Designer and Director Karl Lagerfeld from France once said, “Sweatpants a sign of defeat. You lost control of your life so you bought some sweatpants.”

2. Follow A Structure

Follow A Structure

To come up with desired outputs you have to be disciplined before you start your working day. Whatever is the time of your work, ensure that you come to your home working desk with a strong cup of coffee, a water bottle and then settle down. There is no bad in prepping up yourself with the latest headlines and a bit of your work research first and then, continue with your regular tasks. Always have the set targets in front of you. Once your part of the set tasks is complete, take a break with a cup of coffee or whatever you like to have.

For better productivity say No to sofa lounging, get dressed and yes, your self-esteem is important.

Read Here: Grow Your Business With These Small Business Apps

3. Negligible Use Of Social Media

Social Fever - HOme (1)

While you are in quarantine during pandemic COVID-19 and working from home, we advise you to make the most out of your time and do not distract yourself in the world of social media. For this purpose, we recommend you to take the help of a dedicated application like Social Fever that can help you break the Smartphone and Social Media addiction. You can install the app from the official Google Play Store and take advantage of a multitude of features for tracking app usage, screen unlock times, managing eye/ear health, getting water reminders, and so on. This app helps you to stay unconnected from social channels that divert you and distract you from your work. Not only this but Social Fever would also help in managing quality time by taking a break from your daily routine and spending time with family, sleeping better, going on morning walks, and doing activities you love doing.

As said by William Shakespeare, “Better three hours too soon, than one minute too late.”

Click Here to Install Social Fever for Android Now!

Must Read: How To Tackle Social Media Ill-Effects?

4.  Goals And Rewards

Goals And Rewards

Get the most out of your work from home, set for yourself small and achievable goals. Go step by step and do not try to do much at a time. Touch your task one by one, stick to your working hours and reward yourself once you achieve a part of your set goal with a coffee break or something like that. Especially during this outbreak, self rewards and recognitions will help you motivate yourself to cope up with your work environment from your home itself. Remember you have to be disciplined for your work and personal life.

Hugo Yadi, a business and personal coach and mentor once said, “Treat yourself as you would treat someone you care about. Be kind to yourself and be strict about stopping work at a certain time. Set yourself deadlines at the beginning and at the end of the day.”

5. Of Course, Don’t Miss Your Meals

Of Course, Don't Miss Your Meals

Food is a necessity for your regular sustenance. Therefore, don’t let yourself get hungry. Self-quarantine and work from home do not mean you’ll only work and forget about your regular meals. However, it is important to work to achieve results but that does not mean you’ll skip them. Stick to your time and have a proper breakfast and lunch without any delays. Remember, breaks too play a vital role to help you reach your targets.

It was rightly said by Virginia Woolf, an English Writer, “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”

Self-Quarantine, Work From Home and Stay Safe!

If we all together will aim to self-quarantine, work from home and spread this message across, we can together break the chain and stop the spread of coronavirus. Together with human health, business continuity is also important and therefore, you need to be productive enough while working from home. There are several benefits of working from home and self-quarantine, and the most important one is to safeguard yourself and others around you.

What steps are you taking to fight against COVID-19? How does it feel to be at home all day long and converting your most comfortable place into an office? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

To read more on COVID-19, refer to the links below:

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