WhatsApp’s Plan to Password Protect Chat Backups

Using chat as a medium of conversation is quite convenient, however, we need to be cautious with not putting our confidential details there. Though all the chats are end-to-end-encrypted, there is always a probability of someone going through the vault and accessing the info. Even if you create a backup of your chat, it’s better to keep it password protected.

WhatsApp’s Plan to Password Protect Chat Backups

Using chat as a medium of conversation is quite convenient, however, we need to be cautious with not putting our confidential details there. Though all the chats are end-to-end-encrypted, there is always a probability of someone going through the vault and accessing the info. Even if you create a backup of your chat, it’s better to keep it password protected.

Whatsapp chat backup
Image source: ophtek.com

To create a backup of the data is a smart thing to do so that we don’t lose it anywhere. However, it’d be better if the backup is also password protected. Wouldn’t you want that? I want that. And ironically, WhatsApp (the most used message & media sharing platform in the world) is planning to come up with a password protecting your chat backups.

Also Read: How to Show or Hide WhatsApp Status from Specific Contacts

How To Create WhatsApp Chat Backup?

Before talking about chat backup password protection, let’s check out the simplest ways to create chat backups on Android as well as iOS devices.

Android Devices:

You just need to do a few clicks and you are all set with your chat back up in no time (considering that you have strong internet connection). It’s advised to create a backup with a Wi-Fi connection so you don’t have any interruption while creating chat backup.

Follow the below process to create chat backup on Android device

1. Open WhatsApp on your phone & click on the burger menu (top right corner)

whatsapp chat
2. Once you are in, tap on “Chats”; follow the process by tapping on “Chat backup” (cloud icon)

whatsapp backup
3. Now, click on the “BACK UP” option & before that, select the Google Drive Settings as where you want the chat backup.

chat backup

Once Google Drive Settings have been updated, click on BACK UP and let the process begin.

According to the size of the chat backup, the time will vary. Once it’s done, you will see the time when the data’s been backed up on Google Drive.

For iOS devices: 

Similarly, we need to know how to create WhatsApp chat backups on iOS devices. And to know more about that, check it out “How To Backup WhatsApp Chat On iOS Devices

Why Chat Backup Is Important?

Though there can be n number of reasons, the ones that come to our mind is “what will happen if the phone gets stolen or software crashes? What if I delete some chat by mistake and won’t be able to get it back? 

So, to come out of all these and more tough situations, we create chat backups. WhatsApp is the most used message & media sharing platform and it’s quite useful to have backups of all the conversations (more helpful to businesses).

Password Protect Your WhatsApp Chat Backup

Recently, WABetainfo (the platform that tracks WhatsApp development) announced that the company is planning to add one more security feature to the app. The features called “Protect Backup” isn’t available on devices now, however, the testing is in the alpha phase

The under developing feature allows you to encrypt your backup with a password. This feature will make sure that neither WhatsApp nor Google (Drive) can see the content inside the backup. 

A good step from WhatsApp to add another security layer to keep our chat backups more secure than ever. Whatever chat backup you have put on the Google Drive, the currently-tested-feature will keep it password protected.

Please know that neither the data or the supporting Android version has been finalized for Password Protected Backups. In case you don’t see the update on the Play Store, be patient & wait for the testing phase to over.

Individual Chat Locker

Have you ever thought about locking a specific chat that needs to be read by you only? Well, I did and I strongly believe every one of us has had the thought.

We have got the solution for you that lets you lock particular chats with the help of a passcode. Only the users who have the password can open those chats and get access to read.

Locker For Whats Chat App”, is the name of the app (Free to use) that’s been running successfully on Android devices for quite a long time.

Locker For Whats Chat App

The whole purpose of this magnificent app is to keep your private chats, private to you. No matter whosoever uses your cellphone, they won’t have access to these chats unless you want them to. 

With 4.2 stars and more than 9000 user reviews, it successfully runs on Android 4.1 and up. The easiest user interface, lightweight, fingerprint sensor & PIN protection app lets you lock WhatsApp as well as individual chats in WhatsApp altogether.

Without delay, download; install, and start using this one-of-a-kind app here.

Wrapping Up

Since the digital ear is at its peak at this time, the possibilities of data breach increases and facts prove it. Everything needs to be password protected and that is why WhatsApp is planning to provide the secured feature to its users. 

Share your thoughts with us about the initiative started by WhatsApp that will keep our chat backups more secure.

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