Easy Ways To Remove SD Card Duplicates On Android

Easy Ways To Remove SD Card Duplicates On Android

There are two ways you can store files on a smartphone. You can either use your smartphone’s internal storage or use an SD card to store files. And, even though smartphones these days offer humongous internal storage, SD cards are still being used to store files.

They are a portable source of storage that can be used on a variety of devices. You can store your documents, photos, APKs, and many other files. This brings us to an issue that many SD card users face and that is the accumulation of duplicate files. Let’s assume that you want to use your SD card since your smartphone’s internal storage is full and now, instead of faffing around with your internal storage, you want to store files on your SD card but what if the latter is itself stuffed with duplicate files?

How can you delete duplicate files on your SD card? That’s what this blog is all about. Here, we are going to discuss different ways you can easily get rid of duplicate files on your SD card.

How To Delete Duplicate Files On SD Card

In case you are dealing with a large number of duplicate files on your SD card, you can use the methods mentioned below and remove SD card duplicates in no time at all.

Check If Your File Manager Supports Deleting Duplicates

Many Android devices come with File Explorers that can help you find duplicate files on an SD card. For instance, in most Samsung models, here is how you can find duplicate files present on an SD card –

1. Insert the SD card in your smartphone if you haven’t yet already

2. Taps on your File Explorer (in Samsung phones, you can find it by the name My Files)

3. Tap on Storage Analysis  or Analyze your storage (This depends on what Android smartphone model you have)

Storage Analysis on Android Files

4. Tap on Duplicate Files

Duplicate Files

5. Tap on the dropdown next to Duplicate files and select SD card

6. Select duplicates you want to delete

7. Tap on the Delete option at the bottom

Use Duplicate Files Fixer To Remove Duplicates From SD Card

Using a File Manager, you might erroneously delete a wrong file and then you might not have the time to repent later. Why not instead use a more effective and smarter way to eliminate duplicate files from your SD card?

Duplicate Files Fixer is one of the best SD card duplicate file removers that lets you eliminate duplicates on your SD card smartly and quickly. The reason why we are saying ‘smartly’ is because –

(i) It allows you to perform a complete scan for duplicates or choose categories

(ii) Duplicate File Fixer lets you preview files so that you are absolutely sure that the files you are deleting are the right ones

(iii) The app gives you an option to backup files before deleting so that in case you accidentally delete a wrong file, you can restore it later from the backup.

Let’s see how you can delete duplicate files from your SD card using Duplicate Files Fixer –

1. Download and install Duplicate Files Fixer

2. From the given option you can either select Full Duplicate Scan that will scan both your internal storage and SD card for duplicate files or you can choose a specific category – for example, you can choose Scan Audio to look for duplicate audio files both in your internal as well as external storage (SD card)

Duplicate Files Fixer

3. Tap on the Scan Now button at the bottom of the screen

4. Wait for the scan process to complete

5. Once the process is complete, the duplicates will be grouped together. You can tap on a file and preview it

6. You can either auto-mark duplicate files or choose files manually. You can even choose to back files before deleting them using the Backup Now option

7. Once sure of the files to delete, tap on the Delete Now option and grant permission to the app to delete files

To Get More Insight On How You Can Delete Duplicates Using Duplicate Files Fixer, Read This Post

Delete Duplicate SD Card Files Using Files By Google

Google too offers a wonderful way to get rid of duplicate files on SD card and that is File – By Google. It is an easy-to-use app with a neat and clean interface. Here is how you can get rid of duplicate files on your SD card.

Cleanup Your Space with Duplicate Files Fixer

1. Install and Open Files by Google on your Android smartphone

2. Tap on the Clean option located at the bottom of the screen

3. On the card that says Duplicate files, tap on Select files

4. Select all the files that you wish to delete

5. Locate and tap on the Delete option at the bottom of the screen

6. When the confirmation dialog box appears, again tap on the delete

Wrapping Up

Deleting duplicate files from SD cards every now and then is the best way to keep it clean and sorted. In case you use an SD card frequently and wish to keep it sorted and free of duplicates, we urge you to bookmark this blog for future reference. For more such content, keep reading Tweak Library.

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