Why Is There A Need To Delete Duplicate Files

Are Duplicate Files Eating Up Your Device's Space? Find Out Why Deleting Them Is Essential!

Why Is There A Need To Delete Duplicate Files

Do you know how much space you can recover on your device by removing duplicate files? A Lot!

Be it a computer or a smartphone, day in and day out we juggle with several files and folders. And, there is no denying the fact that over a period of time (maybe months or even years) our phones and computers do get crowded with duplicates. The sight of bumping your head against duplicates is confusing, isn’t it? Sometimes the duplicate files even leave you bewildered and you are left “Is this the one that I just made an update to or is it the older one?” Phew!

It is therefore important for the good of our device that we delete duplicate files. Sometimes, we just let these accumulate unbeknownst of what bad these duplicates can do. Even, if we are aware, sorting duplicates does seem like a mundane and tedious task. IN this blog, we’ll talk about all this and more. So, read on!

Much before we delve into how to remove duplicates from devices, let’s get an overview of how duplicates stock up. We don’t let them pile up knowingly, do we?

Why Do You Need To Remove Duplicate Files

1. Duplicates Are Harmful To Your Device’s Disk Space/ Memory

Device’s Disk Space

Duplicates files do no good. They pile up and then take up a significant amount of unnecessary disk space/ memory (in case of a smartphone), thereby making your PC or smartphone run slowly like a snail. And, it’s not just a slow but even a disorganized device which leaves you exhausted and clueless

2. Decrease Your Productivity And Make Sorting Tough

When there are countless versions of the same file, it becomes next to impossible for you to zero-in on the right file. Also, the duplicates are scattered everywhere on your device (drives in your PC and in files and folders on your smartphone).

And, if you have taken the onus of sorting and getting rid of duplicates all by yourself, no surprise, you might accidentally delete the right file or folder

3. It Becomes Tougher To Create Backups

Create Backups
Sources: outrightdevelopment.com

One of the reasons why it is important to remove duplicate files from your device is because they can create issues with creating backups. With duplicates, the process of backup creation takes longer and your PC or smartphone will have to create a bigger backup destination

4. Searching For Files And Folders Becomes A Nightmare

In simple terms, when there are several copies of similar files, even if you search the file, you might end up getting files and folders with similar names. Opening each and every file to find the right one can result in a wastage of a lot of time

How To Delete Duplicate Files From Your Device

Instead of manually sifting through drive to drive, folder to folder, and file to file, here’s a simple tool crafted to find and delete duplicate files and folders with ease. You can benefit from a tool like Duplicate Files Fixer which helps you free up precious space by deleting duplicates. Here’s what it does –

Delete Duplicate Files

● Available for Windows, Android, and Mac

● Accurate results, no matter what volume of files are scanned

Scans PC, Cloud & Smartphone for duplicate photos, texts, audio and video files

● Use ‘Custom Scan’ to refine your search and focus on specific file types

● You can preview files before deleting them

● Exclude files and folders that you don’t want to scan

● You have an option of creating a backup before you delete files

● Duplicate Files Fixer also supports external devices. You can simply plug-in an external device and scan for duplicates

How To Delete Duplicate Files On PC Using Duplicate Files Fixer

Click Here to Download Duplicate Files Fixer 

delete duplicate files

Here’s how can delete duplicate files on your PC using Duplicate Files Fixer

1. Install Duplicate Files Fixer on your PC

2. Add/ exclude files and folders for scan

3. Choose “All Files” to scan for all file types OR click the radio button next to “Custom Scan” to scan specific file types.

4. Click on the “Scan for duplicates” button

scanning process

5. Preview duplicates files

6. You can select files manually or auto-mark them

Clean duplicate files

6. Once you are sure, hit the delete button and you’re done!

Find duplicate files

How To Delete Duplicate Files On Android Using Duplicate Files Fixer

And, finding and deleting duplicates on Android is equally simple. Here’ how you can get rid of duplicate files on Android

  • Install the application from Google Play Store
  • Select the type of file that you want to scan ( Audio files, video files, images, documents)
  • You can even opt for Full Duplicate Scan

find duplicate files windows 10

  • Tap on Scan Now and wait for a while after which all types of duplicate files will be detected
  • You can also find similar-looking files too
  • Here also you can manually select files or auto-mark items

how to delete duplicate files

  • Use customizable settings where you can choose to exclude files and folders from scanning (whitelisting option) or use a variety of scan filters

How Do Duplicates Get Accumulated

Regardless of the device or the brand – Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, you name it, duplicate files seems to be inevitable. But, how do these build-up?

1. Duplicate Email Attachments

In this day and age, when we have to skim and scan through hundreds of emails, we hardly can keep tabs of attachments, messages and that’s why we end up downloading copies of the similar files

2. Endless Backups

Knowing the fact that our smartphone or PC might have to deal with a mishap, many of us are quite vigilant and have a habit of keeping backups, which is not bad. This gradually creates a bunch of duplicate files, some of which are redundant

3. Copying Similar Files In Different Folders

Knowingly or unknowingly, there are times when we copy similar files in different folders

4. Duplicate Files Installed By Third-Party Applications

Third-party software or applications often end up installing identical files on your PC or smartphone

5. Knack Of Downloading Large Files

If you have a knack of downloading large files – movies, songs, games, software, applications, images, you might soon end up cluttering your PC or smartphone with tons of duplicates

6. System Files

Not all duplicate files are bad. Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS devices create duplicates of some system files so that your device is protected and functions smoothly

To Wrap Up

We hope that now if you are faced with removing duplicates files, the task won’t be as painful and scary as it was before. Do let us know what ways, means, and tools you use to get rid of duplicates on your device. If you liked the content, do share it with your friends and family and also follow us on Facebook and YouTube.

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