Best Ways To Stop Windows 10 Forced Updates

Best Ways To Stop Windows 10 Forced Updates

Windows 10 forced updates are considered to be the evil idea rolled out by Microsoft. It is because the forced updates slow down the computer and lead to significant performance issues while updating.

Since there are data limits and of course not everyone has unlimited data access, and these forced Windows updates need much data to download and install.

Can I stop these forced updates on Windows 10? Well if you also want to stop updates on Windows 10, this article is for you. Read the article till the end to learn ways to stop forced updates on Windows computers conveniently.

Quick Ways To Stop Windows 10 Forced Updates

Method 1: Pause and Delay Windows 10 Updates

If you want to get rid of continuous forced updates on Windows 10, there are a few convenient ways to take help from. First one amongst many is to Pause and delay Windows 10 updates. Here’s how to do this on a desktop with Windows 10 version:

1. Head to Settings from Start menu or directly press Win+I keys together.

2. Navigate to Update & Security option.

3. Locate Windows Update and click on it for more options.

4. Now click on Pause updates for 7days.

Windows Update

Doing this can help you pause updates for 7 days. If you wish to continue this further, click on this option again after 7 days. Also, you can choose to increase the seven-day update time to your choice of limit. For this, follow the steps below:

1. After point no.3 above, click on Advanced options.

Windows Update Advanced Option

2. You’ll then see a Pause updates segment.

3. Click on the drop-down menu there and choose the ending date for the updates to remain paused.

Advanced Option Settings

The maximum of 35 days limit can be set to pause Windows updates.

Method 2: Mark Wi-Fi Connection As Metered

If you wish to stop Windows 10 forced updates, another popular way is to set Wi-Fi connection as metered. Doing this is beneficial because as long as the connection is set to metered, Windows 10 won’t be able to download any updates without your permission. Here are the steps to follow to change your Connection settings to ‘Metered’.

1. Open Settings from the search bar or press Win+I to directly open Settings window.

2. Navigate to the Network & Internet connection.

3. Click on Wi-Fi and under Wireless Network Connection, locate Advanced Options and click on it.

4. You’ll then see a new page with multiple options. Locate Metered Connection option.

5. It is set to Off by default and now, to stop forced updates, toggle it On.

Identifying Settings

This way, Windows will not be able to download anything in the background.  Also remember, this setting will impact Bluetooth connectivity and also it will not work if you are connected to the internet through an Ethernet cable.

Read Here: How to uninstall Windows 10 updates

Method 3: Tweak Windows Update Service

Windows Update is able to detect and install the latest Windows update and application. You can disable it if you do not want Windows to force update your computer. Windows Update Service is not like Windows Update under Settings tab. Therefore, you need to follow the steps below to disable Windows Update Service in order to stop forced Windows update. Here are the steps to consider:

1. Open Run window by pressing Win+R key together.

2. Type in services.msc and click OK.

Run - Services.msc

3. You’ll see a window with Services list. Choose the Windows update option from the right side panel.

4. It will open the Windows update properties box. Go to the Startup type section under General tab.

5. Choose how you want updates to be delivered. This is set to automatic by default, you can however change it to manual.

Windows Update properties

6. Next, navigate to the Recovery tab and from the First failure drop down menu choose Take No Action. This is prevent updates to auto-install.

Windows Update properties - Take No Action

7. Click on Apply and then OK.

8. Restart your PC to make changes.

That’s all! You’ll no longer be forced to install Windows updates on your computer.

Wrapping Up

So, these were the best ways to quickly and conveniently disable forced updates on Windows 10. Check them out and let us know if you have any suggestions or queries to make.

Feel free to reach out to us through our social media platforms and keep reading Tweak Library for more Windows 10 hacks.

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