How To Share Your Android Wi-Fi Password Using QR Code

Today everyone has a strong Wi-Fi connection for our information security. Still, we have a complicated password which is very difficult for hackers to hack our connection. The best operating system that is Android has a solution. You can easily share your Wi-Fi connection using QR code by connecting with multiple groups of people. Here you need to scan the QR code through which you can easily use another Wi-Fi connection. Now, most people think it is a very complicated process of how we can do it very easily. Can anyone help us to use our friend or relatives Wi-Fi connection?

How To Share Your Android Wi-Fi Password Using QR Code

Today everyone has a strong Wi-Fi connection for our information security. Still, we have a complicated password which is very difficult for hackers to hack our connection. The best operating system that is Android has a solution. You can easily share your Wi-Fi connection using QR code by connecting with multiple groups of people. Here you need to scan the QR code through which you can easily use another Wi-Fi connection. Now, most people think it is a very complicated process of how we can do it very easily. Can anyone help us to use our friend or relatives Wi-Fi connection?

Now we can guide you on how you can easily generate Wi-Fi connections with other people.

Share Wi-Fi Password Using QR Code

  • To generate and scan QR code for Wi-Fi connection. Your Wi-Fi connection must be on.
  • Then check the available Wi-Fi connection through which you can easily connect with them.
  • Then click on the share button. But it is compulsory that firstly you have an authenticated fingerprint or password to connect with another Wi-Fi connection.
  • When you can scan the QR code then tap the right button to add a network of Wi-Fi settings. It is very useful if you and your Android have an Android Q device i.e Android 10.

Now we can also use Wi-Fi connection on our laptop through a hotspot. But one of my seniors told me that we can easily connect network connections through QR code. I am surprised and think about whether it is possible. Can we perform it very easily? I searched over a network that how we share Wi-Fi password and Android through QR code on our laptop. It’s really a new and interesting process for me. I think you can face the same situation when you do not know anything about this process.

It’s a very easy process. Here we need to generate our Wi-Fi QR code in this blog we can discuss about it.

  • You need to search for Wi-Fi.Org on your laptop. Here you get the first option Wi-Fi QR code generator. Click on it.
  • Here you can put the SSID of your Android mobile phone.
  • Then put the type of encryption that you use on your mobile phone.
  • Then type the password of your password connection. After that click on the generate option.
  • As you click on generate option your QR code comes to appear on the screen of a laptop.

Either you can save or export this QR code. Suppose you can export this QR code. Now we do not require a password to connect with our Android Wi-Fi connection. In this way, your QR code is saved on your laptop. You can perform this same process on your mobile phone that I perform on my laptop. Now Most of the people think about how to share the Wi-Fi password with our laptop.

  • Go to the QR code reader on your laptop.
  • Then install this application on your laptop.
  • After the installation of this application camera is open in front of you. The QR code that we generate on our mobile.
  • Then you can scan this QR code on your laptop now and enjoy your Wi-Fi connection easily.

You can also add a smart home device like Android 10 with the Wi-Fi connection through QR code which can be displayed on our Android camera app.

Using a network connection by sharing Wi-Fi password using QR code? You can use it as a hosting friendly or in a business meeting when you give a presentation to your client. Sometimes we feel weird while sharing passwords for network connection in a business meeting or when we give a presentation in front of students. QR code helps us at this time. Here we do not need to share our secure Wi-Fi password in front of everyone. Just we need to use QR code only.

QR code is normally a two-dimensional figure that can be used to share specific and important information. During scanning of QR code through our smartphone, It is very necessary for us to have a QR code reader application on our smartphone.

When you perform this process, you must have these supplies like install Wi-Fi mobile application, A4 size paper, scissors, and a smartphone application is all that’s required to scan QR code. We can discuss above how we use QR code without sharing the Wi-Fi password to connect with another Wi-Fi connection and how it can help us in most situations. If you still have any doubt about an issue you can share with us very easily. We are always ready to help you to solve your issue. There are many other ways to generate QR code for sharing Wi-Fi passwords.

Above we have mentioned all the basic steps to connect your Android Wi-Fi password using QR code. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to mention them in the comments section below.

Next Read: How To View Wi-Fi Password In Windows 10

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