U.S. law defines identity theft as the misuse or attempted misuse of any identifying information, such as social security number, biometric data, and ...
With a lot happening in the online world computer security has become of utmost importance. Both individuals and businesses need to secure their data ...
As they say, there are two aspects of everything, which seems suitable when the term technology comes to a conversation. It is true that science and t...
We all have heard the word ‘Network Security’. But many of us aren’t aware of what exactly this word means. Network Security is a practice used ...
Smart speaker is one of the best gifts from technology that we’ve ever received. Who would’ve thought they could get a personal assistant who they...
As WE read recent articles on our CyberSecurity threats WE just shake my head. WE have been observing government actions related to Internet security ...
No matter how strong your password is and how much you strategize to keep your data secure, somehow it is not enough, and we end up getting victimized...
To stay safe and protected online most of use Google Chrome as it comes with built-in security features - incognito mode, options to control data coll...
Yet another day and a new threat phenomenon has appeared in the world of online threats. It is creating problems for not only the companies but for in...
Scammers use a lot of tricks to lure computer users to victimize them. One of the oldest techniques in their existing browser locker schemes to force ...
In America, October is the national cybersecurity awareness month. So, we thought it’s the perfect time to talk about ways to be on top of cybersecu...
Keeping yourself ahead of vulnerable threats is hard, but not understanding those technical jargons makes it even harder. October is marked as the ...