How to Fix The Mac Mouse Frozen Issue

How to Fix The Mac Mouse Frozen Issue

Whereas machines have simplified many things for us, some things are still not understood. Machines & technology don’t fail to amaze us with every new update & similarly, don’t fail to surprise us as well. It’s surprising how the most powerful computer operating system can have a minor issue like the mouse-cursor-frozen issue.

Yeah!! All of us can relate this annoying situation to our day-to-day lives where out of the blue, the system mouse freezes. No matter how many keys you press after that, nothing works because it might be a technical glitch we aren’t aware of. Here we would be discussing about fixing up mac-cursor-frozen issue as it many ruin your whole experience of working on a world class computer:

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Has your Mac Mouse Frozen Suddenly? Here’s The Fix

In conditions where all of a sudden your mac mouse freezes, everything you are doing gets affected. Obviously there are ways to control keys through your keyboard, but let’s read the fact again that controlling functions through a mouse is much easier. It’s easier, quick, and handy when you switch through different areas on the mac with a mouse.

Controlling functions on mac through keyboard will take you some time to get used to it. So the question arises, what to do when the system mouse freezes on mac? What do I do, my MacBook mouse got frozen?

So many questions around mouse freezing on mac & there would be lots of (can & may category) resolutions as well. This is why we have listed here the most effective ways to help yourself when mac mouse freezing suddenly on your mac:

1. Restart Your Mac

I don’t think this way needs an explanation because from your small cellphone to the powerful operating system, this solution is everywhere. Restart your cellphone and the screen glitching might stop or the network strength will nootst or the mouse will start functioning again. There are times when after enabling every option related to Sound, you can’t hear anything played on the system.

Restart Your Mac
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And once you restart the system, everything becomes smooth, thanks to the overall booting process. So whenever the mouse freezes on mac, you need to restart your mac and see if the mouse has started working again or not. If it has, you are lucky and congratulations, however, if not, we need to dig in more to know the problems.

2. Quit Menu Forcely (Force Quit)

There are times when once you have launched a particular app or started working on some specific task, the cursor starts behaving funnily. In this case, closing the app or task won’t resolve the issue as they might also start glitching. So in order to resolve the mac-mouse-frozen issue, you need to force quit that particular app or task.

Quit Menu Forcely
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And since your mac mouse got freezed, you can force quit apps by using the commands on your keyboard (Command + Option + Escape). Once the new window pops up, take yourself to the app that’s slowing down your whole PC & press ENTER on the keypad. Doing so will bring things to normal situations & your mouse might unfreeze to start working again effortlessly.

3. SMC Resetting

Not that this can be one of the most probable reasons that your mouse freezes on mac, however, it’s good to know about the possible issues. System Management Controller on your mac is a powerful tool that takes care of many functions on your mac. So including the mac-mouse-frozen issue, if there are any other glitch issues, you can try resetting the System Management Controller as well.

SMC Resetting
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To do so, you need to restart your mac & use further mentioned commands (Shift + Option + Control key) as soon as the system starts the booting process. For around 7 seconds, hold the keys & use the Power button as well along with the keys (for 10 seconds). Here, release all those keys in one go & restart your mac as this is how the System Management Controller will be resetted successfully.

Also Read: Helpful Mac Keyboard Shortcuts To Look For In 2021

What About The Dancing Cursor Issue on Macbook Pro?

We talked about the solutions in conditions where your mouse freezes on mac all of a sudden, but there are times when your mac starts working strangely. Yeah!! Users have reported issues where the mac has been freezed all of a sudden which eventually led to the surprising cursor issues.

Dancing Cursor Issue
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In this case on your Macbook Pro, the mouse becomes a dancing cursor or a jumping one and soon you feel like everything on the device has got a life of its own. This is something where even resetting the System Management Controller won’t work so you need to make a few workarounds in the System Preferences as mentioned below:

  • Navigate yourself to the System Preferences tab by tapping onto the top left corner on the screen.
  • Under System Preferences, you need to look for Accessibility settings and tap on the same.
  • Now go down on the Accessibility page and look for the Mouse & Trackpad option (from the left side on the panel).
  • On the mouse & Trackpad page, check if the “Ignore built-in trackpad when mouse or wireless trackpad is present” is enabled or not. If not, please enable the option and save the changes.
  • Now you need to restart your computer and you will see that the mouse has started working seamlessly along with your mac.

Fixes For MacBook Pro Cursor Disappearing Issues

mac-mouse-frozen issue or dancing cursor issue is something that’s visible to you so you know the problem with your mac cursor. What about those times when you aren’t able to see the mac cursor on your device? Yeah!! There are times when you are using your MacBook Pro and suddenly the cursor disappears. No matter how much you try to rub the mousepad, it seems like it doesn’t want to be found.

Cursor Issue
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And the irony is that you might end up opening any app or launch anything while trying to find your mac cursor. In this case what might work for you is to bring more space on your system’s RAM by closing currently running apps. Doing so might be able to get back your disappeared mouse and it can be achieved in different ways including navigating yourself to the dock & with the help of Activity Monitor.

While using the Dock method, obviously you will get the evidence once you reach the dock. Apps starting appearing in smaller versions will be your hint that you have touched the dock. Here you need to look for highly consumption apps and use Option key & right click to force quit applications.

Another way is the Activity Monitor method that you can easily launch with the help of your keyboard. Use Control + Space key & look for the Activity Monitor on Spotlight search. Once the function launches successfully, tap on View to make your way to the Windows Processes. Here you need to select each & every one of the apps and force quit them tapping on the “X” button on the top left side of the screen.

mac mouse frozen
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After following any or both the methods, restart your mac and you will be able to see your mac cursor in no time. Simple as that!!

Also Read: How To Fix Mouse Lag In Windows 10 in 2020

Fixes For The Trackpad Freezing Issue on your Mac

I bet there are many who can relate to this quite annoying issue where your mac trackpad has stopped working. It’s quite a common issue that cannot be resolved by resetting the System Management Controller & NVRAM. Here you need to put your system into Safe Mode so that it can help you identify the problematic app or the extension. To do so, you need to restart your mac and keep a hold onto the Shift key as the booting process starts. Post this, login to the mac (as we normally do) and it will put you in Safe Mode (it will be shown on the top right side of the screen).

If still the trackpad isn’t fully functional, navigate yourself to the further mentioned path (System Preferences > Users and Groups > Login Items). Here you need to put a full stop on all those items that you need to launch as soon as your mac starts. Doing so will resolve the trackpad issue on your mac and soon everything on your mac will start fully functionally.

Mac Mouse Freezing Ruins Your Whole Experience

All of a sudden your mac becomes unresponsive? What do you do when after so many trials, there are no results from the system? Does your mouse also freeze up when you are working on the mac? Instead of getting angry and giving an instant reaction of hammering on the keyboard, take a deep breath. Since it’s a machine after all, give it a few minutes to become responsive before taking any irreparable action. Because many users are going through situations where either mac mouse freezes up or disappears on the screen.

This is where you can explore the above mentioned methods & fix the mac-mouse-frozen issue on your device. Undoubtedly, mac is one of the most powerful operating systems in the world with top class tech advancements. & I don’t think a mac mouse should be one of those reasons your whole experience on the mac gets ruined.

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