iOS 15 – Latest Feature you Need to Know About

The latest version of the iOS, iOS 15 was introduced in June 2021 and was finally released on September 20th. This new version of iOS introduces new features like –

iOS 15 – Latest Feature you Need to Know About

The latest version of the iOS, iOS 15 was introduced in June 2021 and was finally released on September 20th. This new version of iOS introduces new features like –

  • Shared with You
  • FaceTime call web links for friends on Android and Windows
  • Pinning conversation to the top of message app
    Message app
  • Customization options to change your iPhone’s experience
  • Focus Mode
  • Portrait mode for FaceTime calls
  • Notification summary
  • Live text and more.

At first, these features look like a continuation of iOS 14. However, when you look at these features, especially – FaceTime call web link, Pinning conversation, and Shared with You, they look like a trilogy. Alongside this, iOS 15 also introduced privacy-focused features. With that said, here we will explain all about the latest iOS 15 features.

In addition to this, if you are planning to buy an iPhone 13, read a quick comparison between two iPhone 13 Vs iPhone 12 – Is The Upgrade Worth It?

Also Read: iOS 15 Vs iOS 14 – Is The Update Worth It?

Latest iOS 15 features You Need to Know.

1. FaceTime updates

FaceTime updates

FaceTime to stand against its competitors like Zoom and other video conferencing apps, a handful of new features are introduced. These changes are as follows:

iOS 15

  • Spatial audio support to improve voice quality.
  • Grid view of videos for better viewing.
  • Portrait mode.
  • Facility to join FaceTime via weblink even when you’re using Android and Windows.
  • SharePlay to share content during FaceTime calls, including screen sharing music and more. The exciting thing about SharePlay is that it can work with third parties and streaming services like Disney Plus, Hulu, HBO Max, and more.
  • Voice isolation to make the voices appear natural.

What is SharePlay?

This is a new and exciting feature for FaceTime users. Using it, FaceTime users can share the voices of the media they watch. Also, you can sync voice during a FaceTime call.

2. Messages


This time iOS 15 brings new features for iMessage. Now alongside making accessing content easy, users will share the content from messages with the News and Photos app via shared stacks.

Also, the new drag-and-drop feature now allows moving a text, image, link, or file from one app to another.

Say, if you are switching between Messages and Photos to share pictures, you can now drag them from the Photos app to the Messages app.

3. Notifications


  • Focus Mode to change the notification status for all and specific apps allowed by the user.
  • Delivery of notification summary anytime you choose.
  • Larger notification icons for improved readability.
  • iOS 15 notifications have been redesigned. Now instead of seeing different notification tabs, users will be able to see collected notifications.

What is Focus Mode?

Focus Mode

Built on Apple’s Do Not Disturb feature, Focus Mode helps filter notifications and apps based on users’ requirements. This means while working; users can allow certain apps to send notifications while can block others. Also, it allows automatic scheduling activation of specific focus settings.

Note: Face Mode will be automatically applied to other Apple devices when enabled.

4. Photos

  • The Photos app now will scan text from images. It means the Photos App allows OCR features.
  • To detect text from images, Apple will use AI. It might sound scary to some. Therefore, to stay secure, pay attention to which feature you are picking.
  • Photos will now appear in the spotlight search.
    spotlight search
  • A new interactive memory feature that allows adding a personalized touch to memories.
  • Memories in PhotoApp are now integrated with Apple music. This means now, using the on-device intelligence, you can add music to your memories. Alongside, read our post on how To Manage Your Photos On iPhone?

How to drag and drop photos in iOS 15?

  1. Open the Photos app > view your recent photos.
  2. Without tapping the picture, press and hold the picture you want to share and drag it across the screen.
  3. Keep it in a floating position with a finger.
  4. Switch back to the Messages app and drop the picture to the person with whom you want to share.

Adjust video playback speed

iOS 15, also offers a playback speed control feature. This helps control the speed to use the feature, when playing a video, tap the overflow menu in the lower right (the three dots) and select the playback speed from the options.

How to use iPhone Live Text OCR

Using the Camera App:

1. With iOS 15 running on your iPhone, launch the Camera app, and tap viewfinder square with three lines. This will open the new Live Text option.
Camera app

As the camera will notice text the finder will change into yellow and you will see the text.

To select, copy, or lookup text, tap the Live Text button.

Note: In the Photos app the Text works for existing photos and screenshots.

Open Photo App > look for viewfinder square > tap the icon to read the text in the image.

iPhone 15

5. Wallet


iOS 15 now includes new keys for the homework. The office will be added to your wallet. Also, it allows adding a driver’s license to the Apple wallet.

6. Weather

With a ton of new data, the Weather app has been redesigned in iOS 15. From layout to the current weather conditions, everything is changed. Now the background changes in real-time based on background.

7. Safari gets revamped

Safari gets revamped

iOS 15 makes using Safari more easy. On the one hand, users can focus more on web page content while at the same time, they can find a new compact tab bar that floats at the bottom, making swiping between tabs easy.

Moreover, there are tab groups for the first time that allow users to save tabs and easily access them across devices. Also, the start page and web extensions are customizable.

New layout and basic navigation

  • New URL/search/tab is now placed at the bottom of Safari
  • As you swipe, the bottom bar will minimize to the bottom of the app.
  • To make the tab appear, swipe back up.
  • To refresh pages, tap pull down from the top


Address bar

  • When you swipe from right to left on the Tab Bar, you can open a new page.
    Tab Bar
  • To move between multiple tabs, swipe left and right.
  • To access Tabs, tap the double square icon.
  • The X to close Tabs instead of the top left will now be found in the top right.
  • To leave Tab view tap a tab.
  • Tap + icon present in the bottom left to add a new Tab.

To access Bookmark, History, and Reading List tap the book icon.

To customize Safari Start Page > launch Safari blank page > scroll down to the bottom and tap Edit

8. Maps Get 3D

Maps Get 3D

Maps in iOS 15 will offer a new 3D view in cities. This will improve the user’s map experience allowing users to see buildings, pedestrian crosswalks, and more. Also, there is a new city driving experience that will add road details that will improve the transit.

9. Redesigned weather app

weather app

In iOS 15 the weather app is a redesign and it now shows more graphical displays of weather data. It has full-screen maps and dynamic layouts that change based on weather conditions.

10. New key types added to the Wallet app

Wallet app

iOS 15 new key types such as homes, offices, or hotel rooms are also added.

Also, users will be able to add a driver’s license or state ID to the Wallet app.

11. Privacy

IOS 15 introduces new privacy measures to protect users’ data, like processing Siri requests directly on the iPhone.

Mail Privacy Protection to stop senders from knowing if an email has been opened and detecting a recipient’s IP address,

App Privacy Report to show how often apps use the permissions they have been granted.


That’s all about iOS 15, the latest version of iOS compatible with the iPhone 6s and later. If you haven’t updated to the latest version, do it now to enjoy these amazing features. Once you update to iOS 15 do share your thoughts about the latest iOS in the comments section.

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