Simple Yet Effective Tips To Keep Your Cloud Storage Safe

Simple Yet Effective Tips To Keep Your Cloud Storage Safe

In an era when we carry large amounts of data across several devices, the need for cloud storage cannot be stressed enough. It doesn’t just let you ...

reg file - How Safe It Is To Deal With It (1)

Reg File – How Safe It Is To Deal With?

Your Windows 10 registry contains a crucial database of important settings pertaining to the various applications or per se your operating system. Her...


iOS 15 Vs iOS 14 – Is The Update Worth It?

At the WWDC 2021, amongst several other advancements, iOS 15 was officially announced. From a dedicated Focus mode, FaceTime, a revamped Apple Map, a ...

Security Vulnerability

This Security Vulnerability Could Change An IoT Device Into A Nasty Spy

IoT has had a remarkable impact on our lives. We now have devices connected over a network that are capable of making our lives much easier and comfor...

Empty Trash on Mac

Can’t Empty Trash on Mac, Here’s What You Can Do

Emptying trash on Mac isn’t such a big deal. Control + click the Trash icon on the dock and select Empty Trash. Yet, there have been instances, wher...

What-is-Steam-Disk-Write-Error-How-To-Fix-It (1)

What is Steam Disk Write Error? How To Fix It?

Steam is a platform where over 50000 engaging titles await your presence. It has games across all genres and while it facilitates seamless downloads a...


Windows 10 Vs Windows 11 – What We Can Anticipate

Rumors are making rounds and Windows 11 seems to be knocking on our doors. With leaked images and pre-released builds of Windows 11 making their way o...

How-To-Fix-Windows-Firewall-Blocking-Websites (1)

How To Fix Windows Firewall Blocking Websites

Has it ever happened to you that as soon as you tried to access a website it was blocked?  You probably were under the impression that there might be...


What is FileRepMalware? How Can You Get Rid of It?

Some reputed and efficient third-party antivirus tools have been known to flag off suspicious files as FileRepMalware. In most cases, it is indeed an ...

Delete Windows Update Files

How To Delete Windows Update Files To Save Storage Space

Keeping Windows 10 updated to the latest version is undoubtedly one of the best ways to optimize Windows for best performance. Having said that, it is...

502 Bad Gateway Error

How to Fix 502 Bad Gateway Error?

Sometimes browsing the internet may not be as smooth as we might desire. There are times when we are not able to access a webpage and all that we see ...

Password Fatigue

What is Password Fatigue And Password Anxiety? Possible Ways To Prevent It

With Ransomware on the loose, 116 million records have already been breached till May 2021. Scary right? Sure it is. And, one possible reason is weak ...