How to Use Multiple Facebook Accounts on Android

Facebook is the most loved place when it comes to entertainment, socializing, and business on the Internet. We all know Facebook has always been following the concept of “one name, one account”. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for people to use two Facebook accounts on Android.

How to Use Multiple Facebook Accounts on Android

Facebook is the most loved place when it comes to entertainment, socializing, and business on the Internet. We all know Facebook has always been following the concept of “one name, one account”. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for people to use two Facebook accounts on Android.

While there are ample reasons why users may want to use multiple Facebook accounts on Facebook, be it keeping their personal and professional lives separate or any other. The major factor is how to access or use two Facebook accounts on one phone.

Since there is no direct way to do this, we present to you some of the hacks using which you can use two Facebook accounts on Android.

Different Ways To Use Multiple Facebook Accounts:

Though there are many apps that let you run two Facebook accounts on your Android phone, there are some simpler ways too. Let’s discuss them one by one.

Use Facebook Lite To Use Multiple Accounts On Android:

multiple facebook accounts android

The very first and easiest method to use two Facebook accounts on your Android phone is to use Facebook Lite. In order to achieve this, you should first have the normal Facebook App on your Android phone and login in to it.

Once done download Facebook Lite and login using the same credentials as of the primary account. Voila, that’s it!

Using Facebook Lite is the easiest method to use multiple Facebook accounts on your phone.

Some major advantages of using Facebook Lite is that it uses less space and resources.

One limitation with using Facebook Lite is that you can use only two Facebook accounts on Android. However, if you wish to use more than two continue reading the article.  If you need to remain constantly active on other Facebook accounts, then you can install a third-party application on your device.

Also Read: Dual WhatsApp: How to Use Two WhatsApp in One Phone

Using Parallel Space

two facebook accounts on android

If you do not want to use Facebook Lite in order to use two Facebook Accounts on Android, you can use this amazing tool called Parallel Space. With Parallel Space, you can use multiple Facebook Accounts on your mobile phones without any intervention or clashes between the different accounts.

Also Read: How to Use Two Snapchat Accounts on One Phone

Here is how you can start using Parallel Space:

  • Install Parallel Space from Play Store.
  • Once done, select Facebook from the list mentioning the apps available.
  • Simply configure it with the second Facebook account, and you are done.
  • Users can simply shuffle between the different Facebook accounts as per ease

That was it, we tried to show you two different ways using which you can use two Facebook Accounts on Android phones. One was using Facebook Lite which is a lighter version of Facebook and other is using a third party app which allows you to use multiple Facebook accounts on mobiles phones.

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