Best Yahoo Answers Alternatives To Quench Your Thirst For Information

With Yahoo Answers shutting down, the alternatives to Yahoo Answers have every opportunity to come to the fore

Best Yahoo Answers Alternatives To Quench Your Thirst For Information

Ever since 2005, Yahoo Answers has been a go-to source for the ocean of knowledge. In simple terms, you could simply enter any question you had and you would have certainly got a relevant reply. But with the change in the needs of users and diminishing popularity, coming 4th May 2021, Yahoo Answers will bid its users goodbye forever. For those of us who are searching for a haven, an alternative for Yahoo Answers, here are some of the best platforms which function quite like Yahoo questions and answer podiums.

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What Is Going To Happen To Yahoo Answers Now?

Yahoo answer

From April 20th, the users will no longer be able to post questions and answers. However, they will still be able to read them. You can download your questions and answers by clicking on Your Privacy Dashboard and then requesting a download. This option will be able till June 30th, 2021. For more info on how you can download your data, visit here.

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Best Alternatives To Yahoo Answers

The quest for asking questions shall live forever and these are the platforms where you can next head to. Here are some of the best Yahoo question and answer alternatives that let you find answers to all your questions, immaterial of the domain – technology, science, art and culture, music, current affairs, you name it.

List of Contents

  • 1. Reddit
  • 2. Quora
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. QsAns
  • Technology Specific Alternatives To Yahoo Answers
  • – Stack Exchange

1. Reddit


First on our list of Yahoo Answer alternatives is Reddit, where you can get an answer for almost every question under the sun. The best part is that it is a community-based, question and answer platform, where you can find comprehensive threads pertaining to the questions that don’t just give you exact answers but even open your mind to analysis as well. As a contributor, you can also earn Redditt coins for exemplary comments or posts as well.

Visit Reddit

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2. Quora


Quora is yet another platform that lets you gain an immense amount of knowledge through question and answer format. The credibility of answers can be adjudged by the number of upvotes and downvotes an answer gets. Even if you are not able to comprehend the questions properly, you can just punch in your questions randomly and you will find an answer.

Visit Quora

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Answer was previously known as WikiAnswers but the domain name was later purchased by none other than Bill Gates. Considered a popular Yahoo Answers alternative, is yet another question-and-answer platform where you can post your queries and get answered by the community. You can ask, comment, answer and react to trending topics and become a part of a like-minded community.




20 years and counting. Yes!  you heard us right. For over 20 years has been answering questions no matter their domain or size. Want to zero down on more trending and relevant questions and answers about your topic, you can choose your area of interest too. It has earned the credibility of being one of the most relevant answer-providing websites. So, if you are curious about anything that exists in this world, this is the Yahoo Answers alternative, you should certainly consider paying a visit to.


5. QsAns


Apart from quenching the thirst for information via question and answers, there are several content creators, professionals, and brands that aim at delivering quality searchable content with the help of which they can even promote their product or service. That’s where QsAns comes to being. It has all the tools with the help of which not only will you be able to get answers to all your questions but even be able to gain traction by spreading brand awareness. Again, most content is highly moderated so that the user only stumbles upon relevant, interesting, and quality questions and answers.

Visit QsAns

Technology Specific Alternatives To Yahoo Answers

Technology is a vast domain and needless to say an integral part of ourselves. The moment we put our fingers on any device or ingrained platform, queries and doubts light up. Subsequently, inquisitive brains constantly ponder upon the various facets of technology. And, if you are one of those, here are some platforms where you can present your doubts, ideas, queries, or anything for that matter in the form of questions and get answered.

– Tweak Library

Tweak library

TweakLibrary is a haven for those inquisitive about tips and tricks, how-to’s, the latest tech news across several platforms such as Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and others. Also, if you have questions regarding cybersecurity, data recovery, and how you can keep your devices safe from various infections and snooping eyes, Tweak Library is the place to be. Here, you can enter your query in the search bar and get tons of well-researched blogs on your desired query. For getting your doubts resolved you can always enter your queries in the comments section, which is answered promptly.

Visit Tweak Library

– Super User

Super user

Chances are if you are a computer enthusiast who constantly juggles with troubleshooting queries, you have possibly been here. A wonderful question and answer-based platform, here you can post questions and answers just like Yahoo Answers except for the fact, that your questions should be related to computers. The best and the most relevant answers are voted up by the community. Are you a seasoned developer? You can even use this platform to bag your dream job.

Visit Super User

– Stack Exchange

Stack Exchange

If you are a tech-geek, a developer who is always on the lookout for answers, how about paving your way to focus communities driven by expert individuals. Whether you are looking to solve complex Fibonacci numbers, possible period of inputs, or looking for a way to force slow decryption on given browsers, Stack Exchange is the place for you. There are rewards for good answers, comments, etc. Stack Exchange can further direct you to more websites by the way of the ‘digest’ option, where individuals have a strong authority on a subject such as a language, field of art, etc.

Visit Stack Exchange


If you have been a Yahoo Answers fan, what kind of questions did you mostly search or post? And, if not Yahoo Answers which was your next go-to question and answer platform? Do share with us in the comments section below. For more such content, keep reading Tweak Library. You can also connect with us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr.

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