Web Pages Not Loading? Here’s How To Troubleshoot Them!

Web Pages Not Loading? Here’s How To Troubleshoot Them!

I tried opening a web page on Google Chrome multiple times but I ended up with either a loading page or ‘page not found’ error. What shall I do?

It is quite frustrating if you keep opening a web page and it does not load. This might be due to poor connectivity, software or the website itself. Website in the way it is under maintenance or it is under some update or something. Have you ever experienced this situation where web pages or websites are not loading and you are facing trouble while accessing it? For you and all those Windows users, this article will be helpful.


There are numerous ways to fix ‘web pages not loading’ or ‘websites not loading’. The very important hack is testing your DNS. Let us proceed further to know more about it.

How to Fix Web Pages Not Loading?

While you are encountering ‘web pages not loading’ error on your computer, you can try using the following hacks. We hope you find them useful and will be able to resolve the error. Here’s the best possible solutions to troubleshoot ‘web pages not loading’.

1. Check Your Network Connection

Wireless connections might cause troubles a lot of times due to poor connectivity or server down issues. To keep your web page or website responding well, you are required to connect to a strong network.

To check if your wireless connection is working properly, try visiting a popular website such as Google or Facebook. If you do not face any issues your connection is working well. What if you can’t properly access any websites or webpages? For this, check your Wi-Fi connection settings, check Ethernet cable if you have a wired connection. If you are still unable to access web pages, your internet connection might be causing issues.

To check if your network connection is working properly, check for the lights on the router. If it is giving a green signal for the internet connection, all is well. Otherwise if you see red or yellow light, your connection is unstable.

To fix this:

  • Reboot your router. Unplug it and wait for a few seconds and then plug it back again. Try opening the website again.
  • If the issue persists, check for the information provided by your network provider and note down the error code it displays. Now, connect to your service provider and seek a solution to the problem.

2. Check For Error Messages

Error messages like ‘404 Not Found’ are some of the important components that play a vital role in determining the exact cause of the problem. You can use these error messages to try fixing or troubleshooting the core problem. Following are the popular error messages that can cause ‘web pages not loading’ issues.

Check For Error Message-min

  • 403 Forbidden: This says you are forbidden to access that particular page. Review the web address and try again.
  • 404 Page Not Found: This error message occurs for web pages that are no longer available. If you are sure about the page you are trying to load, review the address and try again.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: This is something from the server’s end and there’s nothing you can do to resolve this. All you have to do is ‘Try again later’.

Also, there might be issues with your web browser that might cause web page loading issues. For instance, if you are trying to access a web page in Firefox and it is slowing down your browser. Check the resort here! Also check these fastest browsers while browsing your favourite web pages.

3. Check Your DNS

DNS stands for Domain Name System and it functions as an address book wherein every domain name matches with a different IP address. Whenever there is any discrepancy with your DNS server like it is working slow or encountering issues, this might lead you with no-access to certain websites. Try changing your DNS server and this might fix your issue and end up speeding up your connection. There are servers that work faster than those provided by your service provider. It includes the servers offered by Google i.e. and and Cloudflare i.e. You can change your DNS servers based on per-device or based on your network hardware.

4. Restart Your Computer

Restart Your Computer-min

Last but not the least, as we always say restarting helps! While you are encountering websites not loading error or web page not loading issues, you can try restarting your hardware. Even this simple trick helps many times and works in fixing general issues on a PC like it resets network connection, fixes background apps, and it even fixes the issues with some or the other software that might either be outdated or causing issues in loading your websites.

Wrap Up:

That’s all folks! With these possible hacks you’d be able to fix web pages not loading. Check them out and let us know which trick helped you in troubleshooting the ‘web page not loading’ error. Also, drop us a note in the comments section below what else you want us to cover in our troubleshooting guide. We’d love to hear from you.

Till then, keep reading and following Tweak Library.

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