Powerful Ways To Safely Hide Your Android Photo Gallery

Prying Eyes Can Roam About But They Won’t Find Your Photos in Android

Powerful Ways To Safely Hide Your Android Photo Gallery

Why would you want to keep your Android photo gallery safe? Who would you want to keep your Android gallery safe from?  Since that’s the place, you often visit when we want to see our photos. Your photo gallery so neatly displays your memories and it, in fact, often engages you in an endless scrolling session. Now, let’s say while you are nonchalantly scrolling your memories, there is an onlooker happily watching those images too. You know that there could be endless ways those prying eyes could put your privacy or even dignity in jeopardy.

Worry not! Before you nonchalantly scroll your Android gallery, spare a few minutes and mindfully take some photos off your Android gallery. Wondering how to hide photos from your gallery easily and quickly? That’s exactly what this blog is for.

Do read the blog from start to finish as in the end we are going to tell you about a really powerful way to protect your Android gallery app.

Best Ways To Keep Android Gallery App Safe

1. Keep Your Gallery Under Lock And Key

Keep Gallery Under Lock

In this day and age, where a slight miss of vigilance can expose your data, you should, first and foremost, keep your Android phone locked. Use a password, pin, fingerprint sensor, or any other option you like, but keep your Android smartphone locked. This way even if someone has your smartphone, there is a lock that the person will have to bypass.

2. Hide Albums In Your Gallery

At some point or the other, you will have to unlock your device and that is the time when an onlooker might see what photos or albums you are watching. This is something that can put you in grave trouble or embarrassment. Especially, if there are images that you don’t want others to look at. In that case, one way to make an Android photo gallery app safe is to hide albums from prying eyes.

You should use the Hide album feature when no one’s watching. That’s because you don’t want to make it evident that you are hiding something, isn’t it?

Almost all Android smartphones give you the option to hide albums in your gallery. For instance, if you have a Samsung device, here are the steps to hide an album –

1. From the right-hand side tap on the three vertical dots

2. Select Hide or unhide albums

3. Locate the album you want to hide and then push the slider to the right

Hide Album

But, what about albums you can’t hide?

In that case, you can move photos that you don’t want to be seen from the album you can’t hide to an album which you can and then follow the procedure as mentioned above.

3. Spring Clean Your Android Gallery Once In A While

If there are some personal photos that you wish not to be seen even mistakenly, then the best bet is to remove those photos.

Wait! Don’t immediately hit that trash button since you might need these photos later. In that case, before deleting these photos, you can transfer them to your laptop or desktop and even hide them there on your computer as well. But, keep it under your knowledge that you have transferred some photos and that they are hidden somewhere.

Don’t know where to take note of this, how about using a secured vault to safeguard such notes?

4. Use The File Manager To Hide Photos From Gallery

Here is one quick method that would hide your photos from your Gallery instantly. Do just as the title says “use the file manager” of your Android device. What next? Once you have opened the File Manager, create a folder and rename it as .nomedia

Internet Storage

Give This A Thought: Want to Try A Different File Manager on Your Android? Try These

Now, head to the folder that contains your images. For instance, I can see all my images in the folder called DCIM. Carefully select the photos that you want to hide and move them to the .nomedia folder. You will no longer be able to see those images in your gallery now.

Does the .nomedia folder even work on your Android device too? Do let us know in the comment section below.

5. A Dedicated App Is Just The Way To Go

Some great apps can help you hide both photos and videos. To demonstrate how an app can be used to hide photos and videos, let’s take an example of Keep Photos Secret which is one of the best apps to hide pictures.

What is Keep Photos Secret?

It is an Android app that locks your photos and videos behind a secure password, thereby protecting them from intruders.

Install Keep Photo Secret on Your Android Device

How Does It Work?

1. Set the password for the app

2. Import the photos from the gallery that you want to hide

Quick Tour

3. Setup a recovery email address that can help you regain access in case you forget the password

4. To import photos, click on the + icon

Choose Action

5. Select images from the gallery that you want to hide

6. Click on the tick icon from the upper right corner of the screen

7. Choose if you want to delete these photos from the original location or not. In case you decide to do so, the images will be deleted from the gallery and you will only be able to see them Keep Photos Secret vault after you have furnished the right password.

Wrapping Up

Congratulations! With the above-listed ways, your Android gallery app is safe now. And, in case, we forgot to mention a way that you use to safeguard your Android gallery, do let us know in the comments section below. For more such content, keep reading Tweak Library.

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