Tips and Tricks to Prevent and Remove Browser Hijackers

Tips and Tricks to Prevent and Remove Browser Hijackers

Browsers may seem like simple software that helps you surf the World Wide Web. They seem harmless to us and in most cases, they are.

However, Browsers themselves are pretty vulnerable pieces of Software. A browser contains a lot of information about the user, a bit too much. A browser can tell about your search history, your location history, your travel history, your IDs and Passwords (Remember that popup, “Would you like to save the Password for Future Use”), your credit card details, etc.

Don’t you think this is pretty weird that we trust a piece of software so much for our privacy which is essentially not secure.

What is Browser Hijacking?

As the name suggests, Browser Hijacking, is about taking advantage of the vulnerabilities of the Browsers. Browser Hijackers try and take control of the browser in order to gain access to the information saved on Browsers like your search history, credit card information, location history, etc.

Browser Hijackers use a simple malware pre-programmed to attack the browser of the user. For example, suppose you downloaded a file from an unknown source which contained a malware. That malware would then go and attack your browser without your knowledge and will provide hacker access to all the information of your PC. This is called Browser Hijacking.

People have lost money, personal information, and much more. Hence, it is really important to Remove Browser Hijackers from your System.

Tips and Tricks to Prevent Browser Hijackers:

1. Don’t give them a chance if you haven’t already:

As we mentioned earlier, Browser Hijackers use Malwares to get a hold of your data. If you have been using a solid antivirus software, chances are that you haven’t been attacked by a malware yet. Hence, to keep it that way, keep using them.

2. Starve them:

Most people save their personal information like their accounts-passwords, credit card information, etc. on their browsers for the sake of ease of use. Don’t do it. Even if a hacker bypasses the security of your antivirus and goes unnoticed, they won’t find any information to use against you.

3. Be Anonymous:

There are various browsers that boast about no log policy which means that they don’t keep track of what websites you visited and what time. This actually complicates the process of you accessing a website that you visit daily, but it also makes it cumbersome for Browser Hijacker to snatch any information out of your system like your location history and browsing history.

However, it would be wrong to say that it is easy to get through without having to save IDs and Passwords on Browser because of the sheer number of online accounts we have these days. Also, it isn’t feasible to take out your credit card and put information in every time you buy grocery or otherwise.

Hence, you need a smart solution. Advanced Identity Protector by Systweak is the smart solution that we are talking about.

Advanced Identity Protector:

Advanced identity Protector

In this digital age it is really difficult to protect your personal information from various prevalent cyber-threats in the market. Advanced Identity Protector from Systweak is a software to simplify this difficult process. It comes feature packed to help prevent you from taking irresponsible decisions about your security for the sake of ease-of-use.

Click Here to Download Advanced Identity Protector

Some of the most highlighted features of Advanced Identity Protector by Systweak:

⮚ Password Manager:

Advanced Identity Protector works as a password manager because it holds all your IDs and Passwords securely out of the browser to protect it from such threats. This information is obviously stored in a secure vault explained below.

⮚  Secure Vault:

The information stored on Advanced Identity Protector isn’t just stored anywhere, it is rather stored in a secure vault which is unbreakable and unhackable to protect your personal information from cyber-threats.

⮚  Access Personal Information from Anywhere:

Because Advanced identity protectors save your information on the cloud, it is highly feasible to carry your personal information everywhere and anywhere you go with you.

⮚ Removes Traces

Systweak Identity protector not only stores all your information but also removes the traces of your credit card information, id passwords, etc. from your browser to make any browser hijacking attempt unfruitful.

With all these amazing features and more, Systweak Advanced Identity Protector is one of the most amazing tools to protect your data and prevent browser hijacking. To know more about Advanced Identity Protector, Read here.

Download Advanced Identity Protector

Tips and Tricks to Remove Browser Hijackers

1. Start Again

If you believe or just assume that your browser has been hijacked, the most authentic way is to start all over again. Browser Hijackers when once gain control of the browser, it is difficult to completely remove them from the system unless you delete the browser itself and begin all over.

This isn’t necessarily tedious work as we assume that you don’t want to commit your old mistake of saving every account, its password, and credit card details on the browser again. Hence, completely deleting the browser, clearing everything relating to it is the most potent way to remove browser Hijackers.

2. Perform a Deep and Complete Scan of your PC

Malware are highly customizable files, programmed to do evil things on your computer. And it isn’t unlikely that the malware also affected other parts of the system apart from affecting your PC.

Hence, performing a deep scan of your PC is essentially to remove Browser Hijackers, malware, and every trace of it from your PC.

3. Changing Settings

If you somehow are sure, or even doubt that your browser was hijacked, it isn’t a bad idea to change the passwords of different accounts saved on your PC. Also, if you did save your credit card information on your browser, it is better you keep a daily check on your account activity and ask your bank to validate bank OTPs before approving transactions if you haven’t already.

So, these are all the things that you can do to remove Browser Hijackers from your system. Browser Hijacker Removal can be a daunting task, if you aren’t into tech, we suggest you consult a technician if you believe your browser has been hijacked and security compromised.

This was all from our end on how to prevent browser hijacking and browser hijacker removal. I hope we were able to provide you the information you were looking for. Keep Visiting TweakLibrary for more such tech related content.

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