How To Remove A Song From Spotify Playlist On Desktop And Mobile

Do you know you can easily remove a song from a playlist either using Spotify on desktop or Spotify on mobile? Don’t worry doing this will not remove that track from your other playlists or library. You can still enjoy your favorite tracks added in the collaborative playlist on Spotify.

How To Remove A Song From Spotify Playlist On Desktop And Mobile

Do you know you can easily remove a song from a playlist either using Spotify on desktop or Spotify on mobile? Don’t worry doing this will not remove that track from your other playlists or library. You can still enjoy your favorite tracks added in the collaborative playlist on Spotify.

Enjoy favorite Playlist on Spotify

Spotify’s desktop and mobile app allows you to remove any song from a playlist at any time. You can remove songs you do not want any more or for the time being. Though this will not hamper your library, the changes you made to the playlist will automatically reflect all the devices i.e. mobile and desktop.

To your notice, you can only make changes to the playlists created by you and you have the permission to edit. You cannot edit or change playlist you do not have admin rights for.

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So, to know how to remove a song from a playlist on Spotify, read further.

How To Remove A Song From A Playlist On Spotify

If you have ever wished to filter the playlist you have created on Spotify desktop app or mobile app, you can do this within a few steps. This how-to guide has two parts:

1. Steps to remove a song from top Spotify Playlists on Desktop.

2. How to remove a song from a playlist on Spotify on Mobile.

How To Remove A Song From A Playlist On Spotify Desktop App

How To Remove A Song From A Playlist On Spotify Desktop App

  • Open Spotify on your desktop
  • Login and navigate to the playlist you want to make changes to.
  • To locate the playlist, either search for it or locate it from the sidebar on the home screen.
  • Find the song you want to remove from the playlist.
  • Next to the song title, click on the three dots to open the drop-down menu.
  • Now, from the available options, click on Remove from the Playlist.
  • The song will be deleted immediately.

How To Remove A Song From A Playlist On Spotify Mobile App

Just like the steps followed on Spotify desktop, the same applies to Spotify mobile apps (both Android and iOS).

  • Open Spotify on your Android or iOS device.
  • Navigate to the playlist you want to remove songs from.

Navigate to the playlist on spotify

  • Then, click on the three-dots next to the track to open the pop-up menu.

Click on the three-dots

  • Tap Remove from this playlist.

Remove from this playlist

  • Once done, the pop-up will close automatically removing the song from the playlist.

Remove Songs From The Queue Using Spotify on Mobile App

You can also remove multiple songs together from the Spotify queue. For this you have follow the steps below:

  • On your Spotify mobile app, open the song you’re currently playing.
  • Locate the Queue button at the right-side bottom of the screen.

Queue button at the right-side bottom of the screen

  • Then, you’ll see songs in the queue and there will be a circle sign beside every song for multiple selection.
  • Select one or more songs. You’ll see the Remove option below.

Select one or more songs and remove option

  • Now, tap Remove to remove songs from the queue. And, it’s done.

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Removing Songs From A Spotify Playlist Is Easy- Isn’t It?

So, these were a few methods that can help you remove songs from a playlist on Spotify on mobile and desktop. Not only this, you can always share the best Spotify playlists with your friends and followers by clicking the share option on the playlist page.

If you know any other way out to remove a song from a playlist on Spotify without making changes to other playlists and music libraries, reach out to us and share in the comments section below.

Till then, keep listening and sharing your favourite tracks.

Follow Tweak Library for more tech-related content.

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