Enable Two-Step Authentication To Enhance Firefox Account Security

Enable Two-Step Authentication To Enhance Firefox Account Security

Hope you all are using two-factor authentication to provide an extra layer of security to all your social networking accounts. Two-step authentication is one of the most robust security techniques that almost makes it impossible for anyone to get into your account even if they have your password.

Until now this authentication method is only provided by social networking sites like Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. But now Mozilla has taken a new initiative to integrate two-step authentication in the Firefox.

In a statement, Mozilla stated, “Starting today, we are beginning a phased rollout to allow Firefox Accounts users to opt into two-step authentication. If you enable this feature, then in addition to your password, an additional security code will be required to log in”.

Moreover, as per Mozilla, they have used TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password) authentication standard to apply this feature. A user can generate these TOTP codes using any of the authenticator applications like Google Duo, Google Authenticator and Authy.

How to Setup Two-Factor Authentication in Firefox:

Many of you must be thinking that two-step authentication is not needed in a browser since we only use it to surf over the Internet. But guys that’s not true, since we have now our accounts on browser for syncing the data. Moreover, many at times we allow the browser to store the passwords along with bookmarks, therefore two-factor authentication was a much-needed security feature for the browsers.

Here’s how to enable two-factor authentication in Firefox:

1. Launch Firefox browser and click on the menu button located at the top right corner of the screen. Now, from the drop-down menu select Options.

2. In the new tab that opens click on Firefox Account.

3. Now in Firefox Account section click on Manage account.

4. Here you will find the option of Two-step authentication. However, if you do not find the feature like we do not initially get then imbed &showTwoStepAuthentication=true to the URL of the page and refresh it pressing F5 key on your keyboard. Now you will find Two-step authentication option, click on Enable button.

5. You will now get a QR code that you need to scan with the authentication app.

6. Now on your mobile open the authentication app. We have used Google Authenticator to scan the QR code. Click on + button located at the bottom right of the screen.

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7. Now tap on Scan a barcode and scan the QR code.

8. Once you scan the code it will automatically provide you with a security code for your Firefox account.

9. Enter the code generated by the Google Authenticator app in the Two-step authentication section and click on Confirm button.

Note: If you are unable to scan the code then you can click on Can’t scan code? and enter the code manually on Authentication app.

10. Once Two-step authentication is enabled you will get a window with recovery codes. These codes are one-time recovery codes that you can use to log into your Firefox account when you do not have the access to authentication app. It is advisable to either download these codes or print them and store them at a safe place. Once you have successfully download/copied the recovery keys click on Done button.

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11. You will now get a confirmation that Two-step authentication is now enabled for your Firefox account.

That’s it. From now onwards whenever you enter the username and password for signing into Firefox account you will also need to enter the security code generated by the authenticator app. So, guys what are you waiting for. Just enable Two-step authentication for your Firefox account right now.

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