Computer Worm: The Most Common Malware

Computer Worm: The Most Common Malware

Computer worm is a type of malware and is the most common in the category. A Computer worm replicates itself in order to spread on to different computers.

Computer worm infects the system by finding vulnerability on it. A Worm typically harms the system by consuming bandwidth and overloading servers.

This malware also contains payload to damage a system. Payloads are the codes that perform different actions according to their design. Payloads can be designed to steal data, delete files, create backdoors, and perform DDoS attack.

Computer worms are like viruses; however, they have different characteristics. Viruses spread through human interactions like opening and running the infected file, while worms spread without any human interaction. Worms also self-replicate to infect other systems.

How to Safeguard Your System from Computer Worms

There are different methods to safeguard your system from this threat. Following these steps will drastically reduce the risk of getting your system infected.

  • Always, keep your system updated. Different patches are released by OS manufacturers. We all know that systems are vulnerable to different attacks and the patches are released to remove vulnerabilities. Updating OS will protect from new worms that are being developed.
  • Keep a check on the unwanted emails that you receive. Emails from untrusted sources are malicious in nature and contain different worms.
  • Do not download and open attachments from the emails, you receive from untrusted sources. Attachments contain different kind of malware which are ready to perform different kinds of attacks once you download and open them.
  • Do not download and install software from untrusted sources. They have high chances of containing malware. Always download and install software from legitimate source.
  • Always keep your firewall enabled. Firewall blocks all the unauthorized incoming and outcoming Internet connection. It will also notify about any attempt at connecting.
  • Install a good security software on your system. It will delete any infection present on your system. Also keep good antimalware software installed on your system.
    Regularly update your security software so that new malware definitions are installed and your program can detect new threats effectively.

You can use Advanced System Protector for Windows based operating system and for MAC you can use Systweak Anti-Malware.

Also Read: All You Need To Know About: Scareware

How to Detect if your System is Infected

There are many ways that indicate that your PC is infected. It is necessary to recognize infections before it’s too late.

  • Computer performance is slow.
  • Frequent freezing and crashing of the system.
  • Unwanted popups and ads on your browser with irregular behavior of browser.
  • Constant warnings from security software.
  • Automatic removal of software.
  • Deletion and modification of files.
  • Unwanted desktop icons.
  • Opening of programs automatically.
  • Irregular behavior of your system.

Removal of Computer Worm

Getting rid of computer worm can be a difficult process. You have to perform series of task on your system to get rid of it.

  • Disconnect your system from Internet.
  • Start your system in safe mode.
  • Uninstall any unwanted software installed.
  • Delete all the files that are unrecognized and unwanted.
  • Scan your system with a good anti malware software.

Use Advanced System Protector for Windows based operating system and for MAC you use Systweak Anti-Malware to scan and remove any infection from your system.

Computer worms are notorious malware, which can severely damage your system. It is really necessary to identify these threats before it’s too late. Keep your system protected using this article.

Also Read: 6 Most Dangerous Computer Viruses You Cannot Overlook

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