Enable Auto-login On Windows 10 With These Methods!

How many of you are aware of Windows 10 automatic login? Let me tell you, this procedure is a quicker way to skip the login screen, hence restrict you from typing account password when you turn on your PC.

Enable Auto-login On Windows 10 With These Methods!

How many of you are aware of Windows 10 automatic login? Let me tell you, this procedure is a quicker way to skip the login screen, hence restrict you from typing account password when you turn on your PC.

It is an easy way to configure your Windows 10 without entering a password. I am sure this procedure may seem interesting to you! Who wants to sign in every time on your system? Therefore auto-login on Windows 10 has come for us.

Best Ways To Enable Auto-login On Windows 10

Before starting with this article, make sure Windows Hello Fingerprint or PIN is disabled. You can check Windows Hello PIN or Fingerprint from the following path:

Windows Settings (Win key + I) > Accounts > Sign-In Options > Disable these two sign-in options.

Windows Settings

Follow the below methods to set Windows 10 auto-login.

Method 1- Windows 10 Automatic Login With User Accounts

This is the easy way to set-up auto-login Windows 10.

  • Launch the Run Box by pressing Win Key and R together.


  • Enter “Netplwiz” and press enter key. Now the “User Accounts” dialog will appear.
  • Tap on your user account and uncheck “Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.” Click on Apply to save changes.
  • Here you will see Automatically Sign-In box, enter passwords and username to proceed. Click on Ok to enable auto-login on Windows

Check this method works for you. If method 1 doesn’t work, jump to the next method.

Method 2- Enable Windows 10 Auto-Login By Registry

You can set up Windows 10 auto login through the Windows registry, below are the steps to proceed with:

  • Launch the Run Box and enter “Regedit”, to open Windows Registry Editor.

Run 1

  • In the Registry Editor navigate the following path- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon


  • On the right-side pane, double-tap on In the edit string box, make sure your MS account or local user account is listed under Value data.
  • If there is no entry named Default Password, right-click on the empty space tap on New> String Value. Name it as Default Password and enter the password in the Value data box now click Ok.


With this method, you can enable Windows 10 auto login by registry editor. You can check the next method if this fix won’t help!

Method 3- Change Sign-In Options Through Settings Menu

This is another method by which we will allow auto-login on Windows 10 through sign-in options.

  • Tap on Windows logo next to Cortana search box.
  • Now, click on the Account picture and then Change Account Settings.
  • Windows Settings will open, navigate “Require Sign-in” on the right-side pane. Choose Never from the drop-down box.

Settings Menu

Hope, this method helps to set Windows 10 automatic login easily.

Now the below methods will help in setting up Windows 10 to disable the auto-login option.

  • Launch Windows Settings and tap on Accounts.
  • In the Sign-in Options, Tap on Add under Password feature.


Enter your new password and hint. This is how you can easily allow Windows 10 to disable the auto-login feature.

Another Method

As you performed steps in Method 1, repeat the same and check-mark on “Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.” Click on Apply to save changes.

Also Read: Steps to Save Screenshots of the Chrome OS Login Screen

Final Words

That’s all, Folks! This is how we enable auto-login on Windows 10. We have shared a list of methods by which Windows 10 auto-login can be set-up. However, if you have any other method to solve the same or another fix you have used before, share with us we will update them on our list.

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