Tips to Get Most Out of Your PS4

PlayStation 4 console is a great entertaining device. We can use the console for not just playing games but as a home entertainment device too. These simple PlayStation4 tips will make you learn how you can do so. These tips will work for PS4, PS4 slim and PS4 pro. This means it doesn’t matter which version of PlayStation 4 you are using. These tips and tricks will help you make most out of your PS4.

Tips to Get Most Out of Your PS4

PlayStation 4 console is a great entertaining device. We can use the console for not just playing games but as a home entertainment device too. These simple PlayStation4 tips will make you learn how you can do so. These tips will work for PS4, PS4 slim and PS4 pro. This means it doesn’t matter which version of PlayStation 4 you are using. These tips and tricks will help you make most out of your PS4.

1. Play exclusive games

There’s a long list of compelling exclusive PlayStation games that you should try. These PS4 exclusives are fun to play and give you an amazing experience. PlayStation is not just about playing any game, there are many great games that you should play like: Days Gone, God of War, Horizon: Zero Dawn and The Last Of Us Remastered.

2. Upgrade storage of your PlayStation 4

Playstation 4 comes with the replaceable hard drive. You can remove the old drive and can fit the new one. Standard PS4 comes with 500 GB hard drive and newer version of PS4 comes with 1 TB storage. 500 GB and 1 TB storage can be a little less when you have multiple games installed on your PlayStation 4.

3. Opt-in for PlayStation Plus membership

Sony offers membership to PS4 owners that comes with additional benefits. With Plus membership you can play online multiplayer. PS Plus members also get free games every month and exclusive discounts. Games with the membership remain available till the time your membership is active.

4. Connect with your friends online

You can add other PS4 users to your friend list and can enjoy playing with them. From the main account, search for the username and select Add friends. You can also add your Facebook and Twitter friends to your PS4 friends’ list. You can chat with friends, share videos and screenshots, view their trophies and add them to multiplayer party.

5. Broadcast your gameplay on Twitch and Youtube

PS4 contains another feature that lets you broadcast your gameplay easily. With just one button you can share your gameplay on Youtube and Twitch. On the Dualshock 4 controller, there is a Share button that lets you share your gameplay instantly.
And if you have a microphone and PS4 camera then you can add your live video to your gameplay in picture and picture mode.

6. Try different themes

Sony provides themes for your PlayStation 4. If you are bored with the normal theme change it from the settings. Themes are also available for purchase from the PS store. Some Themes are also available with the games and preorders.

7. Install PS mobile app

Application on mobile for PS4 provides additional functionality. You can chat with your friends, take basic control of your PS4, post on online communities, and purchase games. You can also download games remotely from your mobile so that you can play the game when you get home (PS4 should be connected to the internet and automatic updates should be turned on).

8. Watch Movies and Listen to music

You can watch movies and listen to movies using your PlayStation 4. There are many applications available for PS4 like Netflix and YouTube, that allow you to listen to music and watch movies. (Note: Subscription may be required for some applications).

9. Play PS4 games on your PC

To play PS4 games you do not need to sit in front of your PS4. You can play PS4 games on your PC using remote play. You do not need to install any game on your PC, games will be streamed and will sync your progress on the console.

10. Buy Accessories for your PS4

There are many accessories available for your PlayStation 4, which will increase your gaming experience. You can purchase a camera, headphones, driving wheel and other accessories.

These are some PlayStation 4 Tips and tricks that will make the most out of your PS4. These simple tips and tricks will make your gaming console more entertaining. Playstation 4 console is more than just a gaming device it is a full-fledged entertainment device.

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