10 Misnomers About Antivirus You Probably Believe!

10 Misnomers About Antivirus You Probably Believe!

Many of us would agree that Antivirus are necessary software that should be installed in our computers and other devices. However, there are still a majority that believes some misconceptions and follows them blindly. For example, Mac OS and iOS are virus-proof. They are wrong!

Many people don’t realize how important is it to secure gadgets until they are under threat. However, threat landscape changes from time to time. Therefore, it’s even hard for many to keep up with the pace. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we are going to break 10 such myths that many of you may not know about. Read On!

0 Misnomers About Antivirus You Probably Believe!

Image source:- pioneerdrama.com

  1. Antivirus Is Useless

Let’s begin with the biggest blooper! There are people who believe that viruses are ‘made up’ things or their Mac and iPads cannot get infected by viruses. Unfortunately, they are living in a bubble. Keyloggers, spyware, ransomware, trojan, and many other malware exist in reality and they can attack any device (even if it’s mac). The only reason why we hear less news Mac invasions is due to the less number of users it has.

Note: – A hacker always tries to infect maximum amount of users hence he chooses Windows over Mac.

However, with Mac users increasing day by day and users being more ignorant, hence prone to attacks, hackers will certainly target Mac or iOS users.

Unfortunately, hackers have already found methods to crack Mac security features. For example, security Charlie Miller, a security researcher could easily brach Macbook’s security features in less than 10 seconds.

Hackers send emails that claim to update the current edition of the operating system for better performance and newer features. Once user clicks the link to download the update, his or her device gets infected. It also invites other malware to hijack the computer.

Hence, Antivirus programs are not useless and most importantly, it doesn’t create panic.

  1. Antivirus Affects Your PC’s Performance

Antivirus cannot downgrade or upgrade PC’s performance. However, poor antivirus programs can use more CPU resources and downgrade PC performance.

Good antivirus software does not slows down PC. It operates smartly and uses least amount of resources if required.

Again, an antivirus software doesn’t directly contribute in increasing computer’s speed. Removal of some PUP (potentially unwanted software) if present in your device could result into speeding up your computer. An antivirus just safeguards your PC from all cyber threats.

  1. Your Mobile Device Does not Need Antivirus

We may heard that mobile devices do not require an Antivirus program. We say that mobile devices nowadays are the juiciest targets for hackers.

Online transactions are guarded by OTPs and codes. They are sent to mobile devices which makes these devices far more significant than a mere portable telephone. Security researchers Don Bailey and Nick DePetrillo have proved that cellular network is penetrable. According to them, any hacker who has basic knowledge can build a malware that can really dig deep into any mobile network and access messages and listen to calls. Isn’t it scary?

Hackers can trace caller ID information and match it with other associated user data in the database maintained by telecoms. It is a serious security loophole which should be mended. Though, companies are working hard on plugging in these potholes, it will consume time as loopholes are associated with the basic cellular network structure. Therefore, it is necessary to guard your mobile devices.

  1. The Quantity of Malware Is Decreasing

There is also a popular belief that the quantity of malware is decreasing due to increased security parameters. In fact, malware attack incidents are rising exponentially as hackers always innovate a way to breach current security parameters. Thus, malware protection programs are necessary like never before.

Antivirus software are detecting thousands of malware footprints every single day. They smartly scan every file and whitelist the harmless ones to save scan time and also avoid false positives.

  1. Free Antivirus Or Paid Antivirus?

The only difference between paid and free antivirus is that the paid one comes with more features (because you pay for it). And more smart features result into better protection from latest malware. Again, Windows Defender is not enough to tackle all antivirus. Let us remind you that Wannacry ransomware mostly affected Windows computer. Windows Defender is a good protection software but cannot protect your computers against every malware in the cyber world.

Own a good antivirus program that doesn’t give false positives as well as entirely secures your computer. Also, keep in mind that viruses can attack both Windows and Mac computers.

  1. Two Antivirus For Better Security

You can’t sail on two boats at the same time. Using two antivirus software in the same device can be catastrophic. Both software will hinder each other’s operations and eventually identify each other as malware. More worse, the real malware can easily enter inside your system in hostile environment.

  1. No Download, Then No Virus

This can be an eyeopener to many people. You don’t need to download a software to get your device infected. Just surf on the Internet and you can be easily targeted by cyber criminals. Hackers use social engineering to infect Internet users and the process may not ask you to download any software. Click on the link or the advertisement and there you are, infected with a malware. Therefore, Internet security is important.

  1. Antivirus and Internet Security are Same

In simple words, Internet security is just a part of a complete antivirus security solution. Hence, it’s better to opt for an antivirus program that also secures your online activities.

  1. Antivirus Is The One-Stop Solution For Device Security

It’s not enough to only have a good Antivirus program on your device. For exhaustive security, you should ensure that your Windows Firewall is switched on. Again, Windows Firewall cannot be an alternative to an antivirus.

  1. Bonus Tip – Firefox Is More Secure Than Other Browsers

Though this topic isn’t directly related to Antivirus, we thought that we needed to put some light on it and couldn’t avoid discussing it.

Due to bad press, you may have heard that other browsers especially Internet Explorer are more vulnerable than Firefox. That’s not true.

According to a research conducted by a popular cyber security agency, Mozilla Firefox contained maximum security loopholes in the year 2009. Now these statistics keep changing every year. Cyber criminals can target any browsers if they are able to find any security hole in it.

Lastly, it is your decision that can protect your devices. Start following safe practices which includes installing a good antivirus on every device you own. You can win the game if you are well-equipped. Connect with us for any security related queries in the comment section below. Also, for more articles on how to secure and optimize devices, subscribe to our newsletter.


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