Infographic: What happens on the Internet in a minute

A minute might not seem like much but a lot can happen in 60 seconds.

Infographic: What happens on the Internet in a minute

A minute might not seem like much but a lot can happen in 60 seconds.

There’s no denying to the fact that we all love social media. But do you know what happens on the Internet in just a minute?

By the time you finish reading this article more than 1 million people will login to facebook, 30 hours of video content will be uploaded on YouTube, 347,222 Instagram scrolls will be done and a lot more.

Does this create FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)? If not, then nothing will.

These are just a glimpse of statistics captured in an Infographic, to make you aware “What can happen on the Internet in 60 seconds.”

This is what happens on the Internet in 60 seconds.

What happens on the Internet in a minute

Thinking of confirming if the data is true or not? An honest suggestion do not try it will take you years.

Next Read: Social Media: A Paradise for Cyber Criminals

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