Smart DNS VS VPN – The Unbiased Comparison

Smart DNS VS VPN  – The Unbiased Comparison

If you are looking for solutions to bypass Geo-Blocking restrictions on Various Streaming Sites, you must have across the terms like DNS, Smart DNS, and VPN. Though VPN is pretty common and is widely understood and used, we here are going to give you a complete idea of the difference between DNS and VPN, Smart DNS vs VPN for Netflix, etc.

So, let’s not waste anymore of our precious time and get straight into the comparison.

Smart DNS vs VPN Service (In Short Comparison)

Note= Both VPN and Smart DNS use DNS to provide access to Restricted Content and hiding IP Address.

Smart DNS:


Provides access to Geo-Restricted Content

Faster Internet Speed

Works on the devices were VPN doesn’t


Doesn’t Encrypt your Data

Have to Setup Manually

Lacks other Security Features

VPN Service:


Provides Access to Geo-Restricted Content

Encrypt the Data

Easy to Set Up

Various other Security Features like (Kill Switch, Split Tunneling, etc.)


Has a negative impact on the Internet Speed

What is DNS?

DNS is like a phonebook with Website Phone Numbers. When you try to access any website by writing the URL in the search bar, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) searches for the website’s phone number and dials it. To access any website, your ISP, or the Server through which the data is routed, has to have its information in DNS.

Different ISPs have different Phone Books or DNS. All the different ISPs working in the same region have similar Phonebooks. When you try and access a website that is restricted in your area, your ISP doesn’t have that phone number in its Phonebook and that’s why you can’t access it.

Both Smart DNS and VPNs use DNS to provide access to geo-restricted content and hence, DNS is an integral part of both software systems.

Source: Webcom Kenya Ltd.

What is Smart DNS?

Smart DNS is a bit different from DNS. Smart DNS is smart. When you request a Website on the Internet, the request is routed through your ISP’s DNS Server which determines whether or not you can access the website.

For the website that is open for you to access, the data is normally routed through your ISP to the website. However, in the case of the Geo-Restricted Sites, the data is SMARTLY rerouted through a PROXY SERVER present in some other country with its own DNS Server (Phonebook) which does contain the Phone Number of the website you are looking to access, unlike your ISP.

That’s how Smart DNS manages to provide access to Geo-Restricted Content.

Also read:  The Best Search Engines for Dark Web

What is a VPN and How does it work?

While Comparing Smart DNS vs VPN Service, we have to understand the working of both aspects. VPN works in the same way as Smart DNS works but with some extra gigs. Like Smart DNS, when VPN is ON, it is connected to some server and the whole data is being rerouted through that Server.

Now most popular VPNs have thousands of servers around the world. With most VPNs, you get the option to choose the location to which you want to connect.

Also, the server through which the data is rerouted replaces your IP Address with its own which provides you anonymity and online privacy. The website or any other person trying to intercept the data in-between will never know who requested the data in the first place.

In addition to these, VPNs also offer various other security features like Tunneling, Encryption, and Kill Switch. Tunneling is a process of creating a secure tunnel between the sender and receiver of data so that no one would be able to intercept the data in-between.

Encryption is another major advantage of using a VPN. A VPN client (VPN Software) offers the facility to encrypt all the data that you are sending over the Internet.

Also Read: Most Common Types of VPN Protocols

Usage Comparison Table – Smart DNS VS VPN Service

Smart DNS VPN Service
Streaming Great Good
Security Bad Great
Torrenting Good Great
Speed Great Variable
Firewalls Bad Great

Systweak VPN:

Systweak VPN is one of the best VPNs available for Windows in 2021. It offers a wide range of security features to help maintain anonymity and protect your data online from various cyber-threats. Some of the most highlighted features of Systweak VPN are:

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  • AES 256-Bit Encryption: Systweak VPN provides AES 256-Bit Encryption to encrypt the data that you send over the Internet. AES 256-Bit Encryption is believed to be unbreakable even in a billion years until we develop a Quantum Computer.
  • IP Address Masking: Systweak VPN also helps maintain online anonymity and privacy by masking your IP Address with the IP Address of the server with which you are connected.
  • Unblock Geo-Restricted Content: Systweak VPN guarantees to unblock various streaming sites like YouTube, Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, etc.

With all the features and more, Systweak VPN is one of the best VPNs available in the market in 2021.



Is Smart DNS better than VPN?

No, It’s the other way round. Smart DNS though helps you access restricted content, it doesn’t provide many other awesome features like VPNs. Also, you have to set up Smart DNS on your system which can be tricky business if you don’t have first-hand experience with the process.



Does Smart DNS hide your IP?

No, Smart DNS doesn’t hide your IP Address. Only your data is rerouted through the Proxy Server but the IP Address stays the same. Hence, on the security front, Smart DNS lags a lot.



Is using Smart DNS legal?

YES, using Smart DNS is legal. Smart DNS uses ISP DNS to determine if the website has Geo-Restrictions and then reroutes the data through the Proxy Server to use its DNS to access the restricted content of the Website.



What is a smart DNS server?

A smart DNS Server is a Proxy Server that has its DNS with its restrictions and freedoms depending on the location of the server. When you try to access a restricted website, your ISP’s DNS quickly identifies the Website Address is Inaccessible. When you employ Smart DNS, the data is quickly rerouted through a Proxy Server whose DNS doesn’t restrict the website access.


Wrapping Up:

If your goal is to access Geo-Restricted content and don’t care much about the security aspect, Smart DNS is probably a better-suited option for you. But if you are even a tad bit interested in Security and online privacy, you should consider going with a VPN. If you are looking for the best VPN for Windows, we suggest using Systweak VPN.

So, this was all from our end on Smart DNS vs VPN Service. We hope we were able to provide you the information that you were looking for and explain to you the difference between DNS and VPN. If you have any queries, do let us know in the comment section below. Keep Visiting Tweak Library for more such tech-related content.

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