Soon You Can Send Self Destructing Messages On WhatsApp

Soon You Can Send Self Destructing Messages On WhatsApp

WhatsApp keeps on rolling out new features because of which users look forward to latest WhatsApp updates. It is for this reason that our hunger keeps on increasing for something more. For instance, there are some messages we wish would disappear after a certain duration of time.

Let’s say, there are certain messages for which we wonder “why on Earth is the message still in the group?” Or, maybe it’s some sensitive information that you wish was only there on the group for a short period of time.

Up until now, in the wildest of our dreams, we couldn’t have thought for a solution to remove such messages. But, maybe Mr. Ethan Hunt might make this mission impossible possible! The words of Mr. Tom Cruise “This Message Will Self-Destruct in Five Seconds” shall come to life with one of the latest upcoming WhatsApp features. But before we proceed, be warned that WhatsApp self-destructing message will not be as flashy as they show in Mission Impossible movies.

Whats App features message would destruct itself in 5 seconds

Curious to know what this feature is all about? Read the blog from start to end.

About WhatsApp’s Self-Destructing Message Feature

There is no denying the fact that WhatsApp features keeps itself at the top of the game when it comes to messaging. Still, it is yet to catch up with other messengers at least on one feature.

Messengers like Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat and Signal offer a feature called ‘self-destructing messages’ in which a user can set a timer for messages when having conversations. After a specified time, such message disappears automatically. This feature was yet to appear as a WhatsApp update.

The ‘delete for everyone’ WhatsApp feature has been around for quite some time now. WhatsApp will soon come up with a different feature. As per the latest update for WhatsApp, the WhatsApp feature which is still under development and that was earlier known as ‘disappearing messages’ will further be known as ‘delete messages’.

How Would The Self-Destructing Message WhatsApp Feature Work

delete whatsapp messages - latest WhatsApp update

There will be a toggle radio button against which a duration for which a message will last, will be mentioned. You would be able to delete messages after a time duration of 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month or even 1 year.

‘Delete’ Self Destructing Message Feature Vs Delete For Everyone

delete for everyone feature - WhatsApp update

When you use ‘delete for everyone’ WhatsApp feature, it leaves a trace. The trace can be seen as ‘this message has been deleted’ on the chat screen. Which means that the other person would know that you had actually deleted a message. This could open you up for a lot of cross-questioning (which you might not like at times).

you deleted this message - WhatsApp features

The ‘deleted message’ WhatsApp feature dubbed V 2.19.275 won’t leave any such trace which the ‘delete for everyone’ feature does. Once the message is deleted, it would come across as if the message never really existed in the first place (As was seen on WABetaInfo page)

The Availability Of The “Self-Destructing Message” WhatsApp Feature

This WhatsApp feature is still under the development stage and is not available for the public usage. It is not even available for those who have enrolled for the WhatsApp Beta program too. The WhatsApp feature will initially be available for groups only.  After rolling out, it will initially be available for group chats and could be enabled by administrators only.

In The End

It’ll be safe to say that Mr. Hunt’s dream shall soon be capitalized by WhatsApp!

Despite the feature already being used by other platforms, WhatsApp still has an edge over others having a user base of over 1.5 billion users. As for the self-destructing message feature or delete messages feature, it is uncertain when it would be released. But, we hope that it releases soon. Though, whenever it will appear, we’d earnestly keep you notified! So till then, you may enjoy our other blogs that cover a wide variety of tech-related topics and even subscribe to our YouTube channel as well.

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