How To Fix Amazon Prime Video When It’s Not Working?

We love streaming movies on Amazon Prime Video, who doesn’t? It gets really frustrating when you face issues with the streaming services. Many across the globe have complained about Amazon Prime Video not working and do not know how to fix this issue. In this guide, we have highlighted the steps to diagnose the issue and carry out perfect troubleshooting steps to fix it in no time.

How To Fix Amazon Prime Video When It’s Not Working?

We love streaming movies on Amazon Prime Video, who doesn’t? It gets really frustrating when you face issues with the streaming services. Many across the globe have complained about Amazon Prime Video not working and do not know how to fix this issue. In this guide, we have highlighted the steps to diagnose the issue and carry out perfect troubleshooting steps to fix it in no time.

Also Read – Best VPNs for Amazon Prime Video

What Steps Should You Follow If The Amazon Prime Video Not Working On Mobile, PC, & TV?

Amazon Prime Video Not Working On
Mobile Computer TV
Check Your Internet Connection On Another Device
Check if Amazon Prime Video Is Working On Another Device
Verify Your Amazon Account Status
Amazon Prime Video Outage
Restart Your Device

If you are facing issues with Amazon Prime Video not working on TV, PC, or mobile then you have to perform the following steps that are similar to all devices. These are common steps that will fix the issue quickly without any hassles. Without further ado, let us begin.

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Fix 1 – Check if Amazon Prime Video Is Working On Another Device

When you face the issue of Amazon Prime Video not working then you need to verify if the issue is device-related only. This can be done by checking if the Amazon Prime Video works on another device like mobile, PC, or TV. If it is working fine on the other devices then you probably need to skip this section and perform device-specific troubleshooting listed at the bottom.

Amazon Prime Video account can be used on up to three devices simultaneously with the same content limited to two devices only. If Amazon Prime not working on TV, then sign in to the Prime Video app on your PC or mobile and check if it is working fine. If not, then move to the next step and verify your internet connection.

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Fix 2 – Check Your Internet Connection On Another Device

If the Amazon Prime Video is not working on any device then the first thing you need to do is check your internet connection. It is possible that your network is facing an outage and you are not able to access the internet on any device. If this is true then we suggest you perform a Power Cycle on your modem/router. If the issue still remains unresolved then contact your ISP for the same. Performing a power cycle is very easy and recommended by many ISPs. Here is what you need to do.

  1. Turn Off the power switch that is powering your modem/router.
  2. Unplug the cord from the device and wait for 1 minute.
  3. Then plug the cord back into the device and turn the power switch on.
  4. Wait for some time for the indicator to light up and connect to the internet.

Power cycling a modem/router helps clear the cache stored in the memory and establishes a new internet connection between your modem/router and the ISP.

If this does not solve the issue then move to the next step.

Fix 3 – Verify Your Amazon Account Status

Now that we have established that the Amazon Prime Video is not working on any of the devices available with us as well as the fact that the Internet connection has no issues, let us move to the next step of verifying our Amazon Membership status. In some cases where Amazon Prime Video was not working, experts found that the subscription had expired and a simple step of renewing the Prime Video membership restored streaming capabilities. Here is how to check.

  1. Navigate to using your PC or mobile device.
  2. Sign in with your credentials.
  3. Click on Accounts and Lists.
  4. Click on Your Prime Membership option.
  5. Check the details of your subscription and verify the status.

Prime Membership option

Fix 4 – Check for Amazon Prime Video Outage

If your Amazon Prime Video subscription has not ended and your internet is working fine then the next culprit could be the Amazon Prime Video itself. There could be a server outage that is hampering the streaming process across the globe. To check the status of Amazon Prime Video’s server you can use commonly used checking services like Down Detector and Is it Down Right Now?

Amazon Prime Video Outage

Fix 5 – Restart Your Device

You have checked your internet connection, verified your account and checked for outages but are still facing issues while streaming videos on Amazon Prime Video. It is time to restart your device (TV, Mobile, PC) and then check. A simple reboot fixes many issues and is recommended by many tech experts.

Are You Able To Stream Movies On Amazon Prime?

We hope the above mentioned steps have helped fix your Amazon Prime Video not working issue. We would love to hear about your issue and how you fixed it in the comments section below.

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