How To Disable Settings In Windows 10

How To Disable Settings In Windows 10

There are talks all around regarding the security of PC, as every user is threatened due to the recent ransomware attacks. Now every person is thinking to restrict the important area of his PC. If we talk about the most sensitive area of Windows 10 then Settings is one among them, as it provides access to many features of Windows. A user can make many important changes in Windows using this option. Before moving further, first understand that how powerful is Settings menu in Windows 10. It provides access to the important categories of Windows like System, Devices, Network & Internet, Personalization, Accounts, Time & language, Ease of Access, Privacy, and Update & security. These all not only important but also sensitive areas of your PC which you might not wish to expose.
Settings provide access to the important categories of Windows like System, Devices, Network & Internet, Personalization, Accounts, Time & language, Ease of Access, Privacy, and Update & security. These all not only important but also sensitive areas of your PC which you might not wish to expose.

Disable access to Settings:

If you share your computer with certain other users and do not wish to give them the access to settings, then you can disable it by following the steps given below. Once you disable the Settings you can ensure that the user accounts which are non-Administrator can’t make any changes.
To get started first of all you have to open Registry Editor.

  1. Click on start menu and after typing “regedit” press enter.
  2. In the Registry Editor window Click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER and navigate to the following key:
  3. Moving on the next step, you have to now make a new subkey in Policies key with the name Explorer. To create, right-click the Policies key and choose New > Key, and name the key, Explorer.
  4. You can now find a new subkey named as Explorer just below Policies key.
  5. After the creation of Explorer key, now you have to create a value for it. To do so, right-click the Explorer key, choose New > DWORD (32-bit) Value, and name it as NoControlPanel.
  6. Now you can find the new value with the name NoControlPanel with value data as 0.
  7. Now the final step is to change the Value data from 0 to 1. Double-click on NoControlPanel, change its value data from 0 to 1 and press OK. Now close the registry editor.

Also read: How To Shrink/Hide The Cortana Search Bar In Windows 10
That’s all you have to do to disable the access to Settings. Now when you click the Settings icon on the Start menu (in Windows 10), nothing will happen.
In future, if you wish to enable Settings, all you need to do is to follow the above-mentioned steps and change the NoControlPanel value back to 0.

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